_______               __                   _______
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                                                             on Gopher (inofficial)
   URI Visit Hacker News on the Web
   URI   Hermit is a hermetic and reproducible sandbox for running programs
        planede wrote 14 hours 47 min ago:
        I think this tool must share a lot techniques and use cases with rr. I
        wonder how it compares in various aspects. [1] rr "sells" as a
        "reversible debugger", but it obviously needs the determinism for its
        record and replay to work, and AFAIK it employs similar techniques
        regarding system call interception and serializing on a single CPU. The
        reversible debugger aspect is built on periodic snapshotting on top of
        it and replaying from those snapshots, AFAIK. They package it in a gdb
        compatible interface.
        Hermit also lists record/replay as a motivation, although it doesn't
        list reversible debugging in general.
   URI  [1]: https://rr-project.org/
        tony-allan wrote 1 day ago:
        "Hermit is no longer under active development within Meta and is in
        maintenance mode. There is a long tail of unsupported system calls that
        may cause your program to fail while running under Hermit.
        Unfortunately, we (the team behind this project) don't have the
        resources to triage issues, fix major bugs, or add features at this
        point in time."
        an-unknown wrote 1 day ago:
        It seems like this tool does not create a fully deterministic nor
        reproducible environment. Hermit seems to only intercept and modify
        syscalls, but this is not the only source of non-determinism and
        randomness. For example, the layout of environment variables in memory
        also causes non-determinism, caused by the content of the environment
        variables as well as their order in memory. CPU instructions like
        RDTSC, RDRAND, RDSEED and similar also introduce randomness. It seems
        like Hermit ignores some these sources of randomness, but I can't test
        it, because it doesn't build on a current Arch system with the Rust
        toolchain from the repo.
        At least it seems Hermit masks RDRAND and RDSEED via CPUID, but not
        every program is written to support ancient architectures which didn't
        support these instructions and therefore not every program tests
        availability via CPUID.
        In addition, even if all of this was deterministic, CPU flags set by
        various instructions with "undefined" flags according to the CPU manual
        can slightly differ between different microarchitectures. A "normal"
        program should not be influenced by this, but it is still a source of
        non-reproducibility. This might be relevant for certain rare compiler
        nicoty wrote 1 day ago:
        It sounds similar to that antithesis testing service that was on front
        page recently as well. That also claimed to be able to run programs
        deterministically as well. I wonder if the two projects are related at
          password4321 wrote 1 day ago:
   URI    [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40068187
          wwilson wrote 1 day ago:
          Our projects have some features in common, but are pretty much
          unrelated. Hermit is a deterministic userland, whereas we enforce
          reproducibility at the hypervisor level and with the right device
          drivers can support any OS.
          The most interesting part of Antithesis (to me) isn’t even the
          perfect reproducibility, but the autonomous state space exploration
          that finds the bugs in the first place. AFAIK Hermit doesn’t do
          that, though you might be able to get somewhere by running your
          program plus a conventional fuzzer under Hermit together?
          Disclosure: I am one of the co-founders of Antithesis.
        debacle wrote 1 day ago:
        What's the difference between this and a container?
          quadrature wrote 1 day ago:
          Hermit executes your program deterministically. This means that it
          accounts for sources of non-determinism like thread scheduling. The
          idea is that you will be able to investigate executions in a fully
          reproducible manner.
        eatonphil wrote 1 day ago:
        It's a really interesting project but it hasn't worked for non-trivial
        programs for me. I tried to use it on my Raft implementation. Hermit
        crashed with obscure (to me) error messages.
        Others have commented on here before, it admittedly doesn't seem to be
        actively maintained.
        > Just to let you know we’re not actively working on Hermit in the
   URI  [1]: https://github.com/facebookexperimental/hermit/issues/34#issue...
          flurie wrote 1 day ago:
          That's been my experience as well. It lacks support for certain
          clone(2) flags like CLONE_VFORK[1], which limits the set of
          non-trivial programs it can run, and since running non-trivial
          programs is most of the point, I haven't revisited it since it was
          first announced.
   URI    [1]: https://github.com/facebookexperimental/hermit/blob/bd3153b4...
        yjftsjthsd-h wrote 1 day ago:
        I'm curious what the performance impact is like; I assume there has to
        be some slow down because of the interception of system calls?
          TillE wrote 1 day ago:
          > all thread executions are serialized so that there is effectively
          only one CPU
          This definitely isn't intended for general-purpose sandboxing. It's
          an interesting tool for analysis and debugging.
            yjftsjthsd-h wrote 1 day ago:
            Ah, I had missed that it effectively forces you to one CPU.
            Although I already would not use it for anything but testing
            account of it intentionally on unrandomizing things - I suspect,
            for instance, that it's unsafe to run any sort of cryptography that
            would create keys under this.
          hiatus wrote 1 day ago:
          It uses Reverie under the hood, which itself relies on ptrace (at
          least for the current, sole implementation).
          > Since ptrace adds significant overhead when the guest has a
          syscall-heavy workload, Reverie will add similarly-significant
          overhead. The slowdown depends on how many syscalls are being
          performed and are intercepted by the tool.
          > The primary way you can improve performance with the current
          implementation is to implement the subscriptions callback, specifying
          a minimal set of syscalls that are actually required by your tool.
   URI    [1]: https://github.com/facebookexperimental/reverie
            mananaysiempre wrote 1 day ago:
            Tangent: running old OSes (with no virtio support) under QEMU on
            Linux has the peculiar property that I/O-heavy portions such as
            installation can run faster under TCG (JIT) than under KVM
            (hardware virtualization), presumably due to all the trapping.
            It’s a toss-up when those also include CPU-heavy parts
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