_______               __                   _______
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       |       ||  _  ||  __||    < |  -__||   _| |       ||  -__||  |  |  ||__ --|
       |___|___||___._||____||__|__||_____||__|   |__|____||_____||________||_____|
                                                             on Gopher (inofficial)
   URI Visit Hacker News on the Web
   URI   OpenMCT: A web based mission control framework
        RicoElectrico wrote 13 hours 36 min ago:
        How does it compare to Grafana?
        1oooqooq wrote 14 hours 23 min ago:
        why would you do that in a single threaded language like nodejs?
        seems like an awful decision
          throwaway11460 wrote 14 hours 16 min ago:
          Why not? Single threaded doesn't mean only a single thread is ever
          Also, if I understand it correctly, this is a web frontend. Node.js
          is used for development (bundling, testing etc).
        jayyhu wrote 20 hours 52 min ago:
        They even have a plugin to get Kerbal Space Program telemetry[1]! Could
        be useful I guess if you want to play without the HUD on one screen and
        have all the mission info on a second screen.
   URI  [1]: https://github.com/hudsonfoo/kerbal-openmct
          softskunk wrote 18 hours 20 min ago:
          i’ve wanted to play KSP with telemetry visualisation and basic
          remote commands only for a while. i guess that makes me a masochist,
          but you could say the same of enjoying KSP at all.
        CodeWriter23 wrote 1 day ago:
        Cue the npm supply chain attacks to pwn nuclear powered spacecraft.
        sgt wrote 1 day ago:
        Even Max Verstappen uses it (albeit indirectly):
   URI  [1]: https://github.com/nasa/openmct/discussions/6392
        dang wrote 1 day ago:
        Related. Others?
        Open Source Mission Control Software from NASA - [1] - Jan 2021 (48
        Open Source Mission Control Software for Web, Desktop and Mobile – By
        NASA - [2] - Jan 2019 (1 comment)
        A web-based mission control framework by NASA - [3] - Nov 2018 (67
        Integrate Kerbal Space Program Telemetry Data into NASA's Open MCT -
        [4] - Sept 2016 (1 comment)
        NASA's Web-Based Mission Control Framework - Open Sourced on GitHub -
        [5] - Aug 2016 (2 comments)
        Open MCT – Open-Source Mission Control Software - [6] - Aug 2016 (14
   URI  [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25950487
   URI  [2]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18864485
   URI  [3]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18429909
   URI  [4]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12411333
   URI  [5]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12369073
   URI  [6]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12339966
        malux85 wrote 1 day ago:
        I love OpenMCT, in 2021 I wrote some crypto DeFi arb trading bots (just
        doing realtime graph constructions and then bellman ford, then a
        hill-climbing amount optimiser and gas estimator and transaction
        obfuscator to help avoid sniping)
        I modified OpenMCT to be the GUI for this, which showed the profitable
        trading paths through the graph in realtime.
        I emailed NASA to ask if they could put my thumbs up, mugshot on their
        users page next to all of the satellites and Mars missions, they said
        they couldn’t because my project was a for profit enterprise, but I
        totally think they just didn’t want my (insane) mugshot there XD
          maCDzP wrote 1 day ago:
          Could you expand on your trading bot?
          To bad for NASA denying your mugshot. I bet it would have generated
          many stars on GitHub.
            malux85 wrote 1 day ago:
            What I wrote above is basically the summary, it crawled the mempool
            and checked the address interfaces to discover Defi exchanges
            I found maybe 20-30 exchanges that were not publicly advertised, so
            there was quite a bit of liquidity there. It looked for triangular
            arbitrage opportunities, then optimised the amount and computed gas
            costs to check if it was profitable. There was a lot of compute
            required, about 12,000 paths a second were searched and a
            profitable trade would be found about once every 3 hours.
            “Optimising the amount” was a bit tricky too - too little you
            leave money on the table, too much you cause slippage - but you
            know the good thing about DeFi is that through our ETH nodes we
            have a copy of the blockchain and I had already written an EVM
            disassembler for another project, so I had a lot of knowledge of
            EVM internals - so I could simulate the trade executions inside the
            optimiser locally, which greatly helped “realism”
            The whole system was profitable for about 8 months, it netted me
            about 180k usd before it tapered off - I don’t know why but I
            suspect someone else found the strategy/was doing the same thing,
            so I took the cash out of it, paid tax and moved on.
            If you’re interested in the tech it was all just pure Python,
            networkx for the graph stuff, shared memory, multiprocessing and
            lots of IPC, the whole thing operated in RAM because it has to be
            quick (exponential number of paths to search) - anything important
            (debugging / trade execution) was thrown in a queue and written out
            by another process
            After that, I built this
   URI      [1]: https://atomictessellator.com
              maCDzP wrote 17 hours 51 min ago:
              Thanks, that was a lot of insight, I appreciate it. Congrats for
              finding and executing a profitable strategy.
                malux85 wrote 17 hours 32 min ago:
                Haha all good if you get it to work and make 100M then throw me
                a million down from your yacht will you?
          jvanderbot wrote 1 day ago:
          There's a NASA funding line called Tipping Point used to
          commercialize NASA tech. I bet you couldve buttered up the managers
          of that fund during the defi hayday and gotten a small pot to work on
        throwup238 wrote 1 day ago:
        Coming soon to a Mars mission [1] near you: unscheduled disassembly due
        to faulty mission control input when someone forgets to include a
        variable in the dependencies list of a `useCallback` hook.
   URI  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Climate_Orbiter
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