_______               __                   _______
       |   |   |.---.-..----.|  |--..-----..----. |    |  |.-----..--.--.--..-----.
       |       ||  _  ||  __||    < |  -__||   _| |       ||  -__||  |  |  ||__ --|
       |___|___||___._||____||__|__||_____||__|   |__|____||_____||________||_____|
                                                             on Gopher (inofficial)
   URI Visit Hacker News on the Web
   URI   Self-hosting forms, the sane way
        pentagrama wrote 9 hours 54 min ago:
        A fully self hosted solution that for me is good enough and more easy
        is a WordPress site with the plugin WPforms (free version). No third
        party services used.
        Update: not sure if the WPforms free version supports file uploads as
        the OP needs.
        devmor wrote 16 hours 21 min ago:
        Jesus, I can't believe I'm saying this in 2024 but just use a php
        script and an sqlite file.
        pembrook wrote 17 hours 10 min ago:
        It seems like an extremely convoluted way to receive what will pretty
        much exclusively be automated spam submissions since I’m not seeing
        any protection methods mentioned.
        Attacks on any form on the open web have gotten absurdly bad in recent
        years — hope the author is using something like Cloudflare + captcha.
        jpm_sd wrote 17 hours 25 min ago:
        Makes me miss the bad old days of Perl scripts and cgi-bin
        directories... It was, at least, simple.
        themgt wrote 17 hours 33 min ago:
        On one of my sites, I needed to install a form with file upload
        Soo ... the file upload is happening via JSON webhook? Seems like this
        was defined as the scope and then file upload was just never mentioned
        lol768 wrote 17 hours 43 min ago:
        How does validation work with the approach that the author advocates
        Is this something "n8n" does? I've gone to learn more about it, and it
        describes itself as an "AI-native
        workflow automation" tool. What the f** is that meant to actually mean?
        bgdam wrote 18 hours 57 min ago:
        > that was secure and wouldn’t give me a headache, so number 3 was
        off as well.
        Is having a backend controller that securely writes to a DB when a url
        is posted to that difficult in PHP, that this 'sane' way is preferred?
        Isn't it the most basic of CRUD setups?
        I can understand doing this because n8n has a quick way to send emails
        (at least that's what I assume based on this article), but I really
        don't understand how this over engineered solution is supposed to be
        the sane way.
          dartos wrote 18 hours 45 min ago:
          Security in php is a headache.
          Many crud apps which separate the frontend and backend have form
          validation and sanitization on the frontend and backend (partly by
          virtue of converting raw input into escaped json strings), but IIRC
          isn’t as straightforward in php.
            theamk wrote 11 hours 48 min ago:
            what are the possible security problems in this case (grab all form
            data and stuff to database)?
            The only one I can think of is SQL injection, but that's trivial to
            fix with placeholders.
            echoangle wrote 14 hours 27 min ago:
            Im not sure what’s so hard about doing it in PHP. Can I not just
            get all the data from the GET/POST-Data-Assocarray, get the form
            fields I want, and put them into a prepared statement to save them
            to the DB? What’s the vulnerability here? Maybe add an CSRF Token
            for extra security and I think you’re done, or am I missing
              omnimus wrote 51 min ago:
              You are not. Its same security any other stack would do.
              This “PHP security is terrible” is mostly because people
              remember stories from 20 year ago (when none of the cool stacks
              didnt even exist) and things like Worpdress the most targeted
              cms/framework in the world.
              I have suspicion that if Vercel/next powered 60% of web than its
              security reputation wouldnt be great either.
              PHP is flawed but so are all the other stacks. PHP is old but
              that doesnt mean its not being updated or up to date. If anything
              its boring.
            kugelblitz wrote 18 hours 25 min ago:
            Security in vanilla php using old tools is a headache.
            I use Symfony and using the form component ( [1] ) you can achieve
            much of what is needed.
            If you use the framework as well (which is very modular nowadays)
            you also have security built-in ( [2] ).
            But probably not as fast as a "quick and loose" approach if you
            don't know Symfony yet, but extendible and secure (if you do know
            Symfony, it might be faster than the vanilla php approach, because
            you can avoid much of the "generic" code, the validators, the error
            handling, avoid SQL and XSS injection).
   URI      [1]: https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/form.html
   URI      [2]: https://symfony.com/doc/current/forms.html
            pbowyer wrote 18 hours 28 min ago:
            >  Security in php is a headache.
            It really isn't.
        progx wrote 19 hours 32 min ago:
        Or just use PHP and done.
          cloudking wrote 18 hours 21 min ago:
          +1 not sure how OP proposal for a hobby website form is "sane". You
          can solve this with a simple PHP script
        CPLX wrote 19 hours 35 min ago:
        For those that actually want a SaaS type tool for this and don’t want
        to use Jotform, which is utterly horrible, I recommend Fillout, which
        has been a joy to use and is seamlessly integrated with a bunch of
        services like AirTable and Dropbox and so on.
        Even if you do want to eventually build your own it’s ridiculously
        fast as a prototyping tool, can pre-fetch data and use conditional
        logic and accept URL parameters and all that out of the box.
        Doohickey-d wrote 20 hours 16 min ago:
        If you want your forms submissions in a spreadsheet, it's also possible
        using only Google Apps Script:
   URI  [1]: https://github.com/levinunnink/html-form-to-google-sheet
        vidyesh wrote 20 hours 22 min ago:
        Much simpler solutions exist like [1] And for others who use the static
        hosts' free tiers for hobby projects, Cloudflare provides form
        submissions to your static pages, netliffy forms is quite generous too
   URI  [1]: https://formsubmit.co/
   URI  [2]: https://www.netlify.com/platform/core/forms/
          irq-1 wrote 16 hours 4 min ago:
          Netlify forms looks like it could be great, but the pricing is awful:
          100 per site /month ($19+ when exceeded)
          Cloudflare form plugin sets up a worker/handler, which is cheap and
          easy. It does require coding though, unlike the formsubmit.co link.
   URI    [1]: https://developers.cloudflare.com/pages/functions/plugins/st...
            vidyesh wrote 7 hours 56 min ago:
            That static form plugin sends submissions to Cloudflare KV Storage,
            I only recently started experimenting with Cloudflare offerings so
            haven't tried KV yet but does it get populated in the Cloudflare
            dashboard? If not, then that would be another thing to build.
            And about Netlify. If you are getting more than 100
            submissions/month on your hobby project, I think it might be time
            to consider some better serious solutions ;)
          cchance wrote 20 hours 18 min ago:
          Except.. as the first half of the page says he’s trying to avoid
          relying on third party services and to self host it
            vidyesh wrote 20 hours 3 min ago:
            Yes, they too mention that service but for work purposes. I just
            find it odd that this is now considered a sane way for hobby
            I would rather have something like this for a client who wants
            complete control of their data.
        47282847 wrote 21 hours 37 min ago:
        I use [1] (php) but I wish there were more self-hosted options.
   URI  [1]: https://www.formtools.org
          V__ wrote 21 hours 24 min ago:
          There are quite a few, at the top of my head: getinput.co,
          quillforms.com, heyform.net snoopforms.com
        jauntywundrkind wrote 21 hours 55 min ago:
        I'll dare to say I like it!
        N8n seems to have a pretty fine gui for configuring little pipelines,
        sort of alike node-red. If the author wanted to embellish & enhance
        what they have there's a variety of other connectors & processors they
        could easily snap into place. It's easy to glance at a pipeline and see
        what the general shape is. This high level world feels much more
        normative & clear than scratching together "simple" php scripts.
        Ditto for sending data into nocodb. An Airtable spreadsheet/database
        like system, with a good gui, with form submissions being fed into a
        spreadsheet: it's again nicely high level. It integrates with other
        documents or reports, if you want. It's easy to access from the web.
        It's a very slick very user friendly solution that still brings a ton
        of power. Another huge win for a high level system.
        I too had an initial WTF reaction, are you serious reaction. But it
        wasn't that hard to find some empathy when I tried. I didn't have to
        work that hard to appreciate what the post is going for, to envision
        what the actual usage/configuration looked like, and to see there is a
        pretty neat high level set of guis here that are used to program a very
        flexible small little pipeline. And I can see how each piece is
        extremely malleable by end users. That freedom to rework & reshape this
        system freely is really neat.
        There may be good tailor made solutions that we can agree to dub as
        "simpler" for form handling, but the composability & flexibility of
        this end-user driven solution is super neat & super compelling to me.
        These tools are extremely generic & could be used for all manners of
        tasks, and that is enormously compelling, to good general systems that
        we can use to tackle all manners of tasks. This is a cool pick of tools
        to bring together.
          cchance wrote 20 hours 12 min ago:
          And the authors thoughts about why are well spelt out. Not to mention
          that this seems infinitely more flexible than what some other people
          are recommending.
          Like theirs an entire thread of people somehow acting like dumping
          forms to a mailto: handler that the client then has to send via a
          hopefully configured mail client is somehow a realistic and reliable
        thehias wrote 22 hours 18 min ago:
        This is supposed to be the sane way? Certainly not!
        You guys know that you can use "mailto:" as form action, yes?
        No backend stuff needed.
          CM30 wrote 16 hours 33 min ago:
          Sadly the best way to use this stopped working years ago. I vaguely
          recall in some browsers (maybe IE6 or earlier?) it actually send the
          submission to email directly without opening the user's email program
          at all.
          Having to send an email with the fields prepopulated feels rather
          archaic by comparison, and leaves me using form scripts as a rule
            theamk wrote 11 hours 58 min ago:
            automatically expose my email to any random marketer with a single
            button click? I can't imagine why anyone ever thought this would be
            a good idea.
          leobg wrote 17 hours 58 min ago:
          I would guess that mailto will be great for deliverability. Since the
          user has already emailed you before your emails are more likely to go
          through to them and not get filtered as spam or promotion.
          Anyone have any data / observations on this?
          oliwarner wrote 18 hours 57 min ago:
          If you do this, recognise that you'll have a lot of desktop users
          fail out because they don't have an email client set up properly.
          And even when email sends, it's hard to guarantee delivery. I'd
          sooner set up and host an API than trust email to work in a business
          closewith wrote 19 hours 6 min ago:
          I have a few qualms with this app:
          1. For a Linux user, you can already build such a system yourself
          quite trivially by getting an FTP account, mounting it locally with
          curlftpfs, and then using SVN or CVS on the mounted filesystem. From
          Windows or Mac, this FTP account could be accessed through built-in
          2. It doesn't actually replace a USB drive. Most people I know e-mail
          files to themselves or host them somewhere online to be able to
          perform presentations, but they still carry a USB drive in case there
          are connectivity problems. This does not solve the connectivity
          3. It does not seem very "viral" or income-generating. I know this is
          premature at this point, but without charging users for the service,
          is it reasonable to expect to make money off of this?
            kaashif wrote 17 hours 7 min ago:
            Classic comment and perfectly captures the vibe.
            I don't understand why people don't understand why making users do
            this weird shit (and yes, mailto: is weird although not as weird as
            SVN/CVS vs Dropbox) isn't going to work.
              mcny wrote 15 hours 49 min ago:
              For today's lucky ten thousand, the grandparent comment is about
   URI        [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9224
                teleclimber wrote 15 hours 13 min ago:
                And the "lucky ten thousand" is a reference to
   URI          [1]: https://xkcd.com/1053/
          crazygringo wrote 19 hours 26 min ago:
          If I hit "submit" on a form and I saw it start to open a new Gmail
          tab in my browser, I'm going to close the new Gmail tab before it
          even has time to finish loading. (Or same if I saw it opening
          I'd just assume the site was trying to trigger some kind of spam
          e-mail or something.
          The idea that I'd fill out a form on a site, then submitting it would
          open my mail program, and I'd then have to hit send there, and then
          close my mail tab/window (not to mention exposing my e-mail address
          to the site when maybe I wouldn't want to), is some of the worst UX
          I've ever heard of.
            philsnow wrote 13 hours 49 min ago:
            I have a Pavlovian annoyance response to noticing that I have
            inadvertently clicked a mailto link, because back in ~2005 firefox
            would try to start Evolution.  I usually only noticed the click
            because of the sound of my spinning disk thrashing to try to lift
            into memory hundreds of MB of dependencies from their rust platter
            slumber.  Evolution generally didn't even load enough to so much as
            show its splash screen before I found a terminal and killed the
            process tree.
            all2 wrote 18 hours 20 min ago:
            Craigslist does this exact thing. They give you a custom email
            address to email, and then you click their link and it pops open
              theamk wrote 11 hours 56 min ago:
              except it's actually labeled "gmail", so it is totally expected.
              Unlike the random form on unknown website.
          voytec wrote 20 hours 9 min ago:
          > You guys know that you can use "mailto:" as form action, yes?
          Author mentions "a form with file upload capability".
          prepend wrote 21 hours 41 min ago:
          Aside from having to have something to parse out the submission as
          the response isn’t that human readable, I think the biggest problem
          is that users need a mail client and requires them to hit send. This
          disorients people so even if they have a mail client, you end up with
          people not hitting submit.
            cchance wrote 20 hours 17 min ago:
            There’s also the bigger issue your directly exposing an email
            address to web scrapers like it’s not the 90s using mailto forms
            is a shocking take as acceptable
              arccy wrote 16 hours 35 min ago:
              exposing mail addresses on the web is fine as long as you have
              semi-decent spam filters.
              obsfucating addreses won't work much longer anyway
   URI        [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38150096
              prepend wrote 17 hours 56 min ago:
              This isn’t really a concern for me. I’ve had my gmail exposed
              to web scrapers for decades without making me regret it.
              For this purpose though it’s a non-issue as I also have a
              contact email published on my site so people can email me. And I
              would create a separate mailbox just for the form.
              I’m not sure why people are concerned about their email being
              scraped as it’s comical that any email address isn’t already
              on a million spam lists.
            01HNNWZ0MV43FF wrote 20 hours 52 min ago:
            I think you can register GMail and Outlook as mailto: handlers, but
            I've certainly never tried it.
              arnorhs wrote 12 hours 1 min ago:
              You can. It is actually relatively hard to do though unless you
              are extremely motivated.
              Where you have to find a setting in mac / windows as well as
              configure your browser (chrome) for it, by using an obscure icon
              in the address bar etc.. and then you can have some apps fighting
              for you to change the setting. And then it depends on which
              browser profile is currently active. It is pretty messy to say
              the least
              prepend wrote 18 hours 2 min ago:
              You can, but many people do not do this.
          Joker_vD wrote 21 hours 44 min ago:
          I believe the last time I've sent an e-mail was in July 2017, when I
          was finishing my Master degree thesis, and I was glad I'd probably
          never have to do it again. Please don't ruin my dream?
            gofreddygo wrote 20 hours 43 min ago:
            that email from 2017 will still be in that sent folder, waiting for
            you, readable and accessible on all possible platforms and form
            factors, when all the latest owners of the slacks, teams, whatsapps
            and telegrams of the world ratshit onto their users into oblivion.
            Ask the ex-twitterati.
            aprilnya wrote 21 hours 7 min ago:
              Joker_vD wrote 19 hours 58 min ago:
              Well, Spivak in the sibling reply summarized the reasons
            rglullis wrote 21 hours 11 min ago:
            Genuinely curious: what is so bad about writing an email? Do you
            really prefer/expect that every interaction with someone online is
            better to be had via an app or automated form?
              Spivak wrote 20 hours 33 min ago:
              Easily yes. Especially when you interact with companies the email
              is just a shitty gateway to their actual CRM/Ticketing Software.
              Ignoring the general shittyness of email itself being plaintext
              or bastardized html that's destroyed the moment someone replies
              -- Different reply and quoting styles, emails |||||||| of every
              previous email in the thread. A haphazard mix of fonts, font
              sizes depending on the client, obnoxious signatures on every
              message. No one understands threads where threads in chat are
              immediately groked.
              Ignoring all that. Unsolicited communication mediums can go die
              in the hell from whence they came. All communication that allows
              someone to message me without asking, where new identities can be
              minted like candy so they're impossible to block permanently.
              Awful. My inbox is just for password resets and spam now. Same
              with SMS, it's the messaging of last resort.
              Being able to close your DMs to just actual humans you want to
              talk to is goated. Email, SMS, and my mailbox are just junk
              drawers ever since the marketing people got ahold of them.
                rglullis wrote 19 hours 33 min ago:
                While a good rant is always appreciated, I don't see how
                forcing people to install an app or having an online form
                (which will very probably ask for your email anyway) is any
                better. And to avoid abuse, email masking services work quite
                It's just funny that with Communick I have a whole Discourse
                site setup because I was anticipating people weary of giving
                out email addresses, but in the end the majority of my
                customers just prefer to solve issues by email.
                One could dream of a world where XMPP is relevant and that most
                clients support its HTML submission capabilities, but this is
                also not the timeline we're in.
          homarp wrote 21 hours 51 min ago:
          but mailto is done on the client side. I am not sure everyone has a
          local mailto handler these days.
            kevincox wrote 14 hours 13 min ago:
            It is surprisingly rare. I remember working at Google even on
            documents targeted towards engineers many people were confused by a
          ekianjo wrote 21 hours 52 min ago:
          but that means exposing an email address in the page source code
            prepend wrote 21 hours 5 min ago:
            I don’t consider that a risk as running a web site likely already
            has some contact email.
            I can set up infinite emails on my $30/year cpanel host so I just
            create a new mailbox for the form and forward it wherever I like.
            atoav wrote 21 hours 42 min ago:
            Which you are legally required to do anyways in some parts of the
              cchance wrote 20 hours 15 min ago:
              There’s a difference between a random contact adddress and one
              that your using for data processing and lead handling
              ekianjo wrote 21 hours 31 min ago:
              interesting! where is this required?
                RicoElectrico wrote 21 hours 28 min ago:
                Germany probably? Impressum aka imprint.
                  canadianfella wrote 20 hours 51 min ago:
                  > Impressum aka imprint.
                  What does that mean?
                    codetrotter wrote 20 hours 41 min ago:
                    > An Impressum is a statement of ownership and authorship
                    for online and print media. An Impressum helps combat spam
                    and disinformation by holding creators responsible for
                    their content. An Impressum is legally required for
                    commercial sites operating in Germany, Austria, and
   URI              [1]: https://termly.io/resources/articles/impressum/
          pspeter3 wrote 22 hours 5 min ago:
          I had no idea that you could use the mailto: URL for a form action.
            arnorhs wrote 11 hours 53 min ago:
            this was something that was more commonly used in the late
            90s/early/2000s, an early internet feature, but still works to this
            there are some niceties that have been added or maybe they were
            always possible - you can add a subject and message body, possibly
            cc etc.
            i used it just last year to make an easy contact form for
            contacting local municipalities from a single website for my wife's
            thih9 wrote 21 hours 57 min ago:
            Same. How would that work? What would be the end result (email
              ReleaseCandidat wrote 20 hours 6 min ago:
              You see that in the "email" forms of for example most "contact"
              Like, for example, here on HN, in the right end of the site's
              footer (on desktop), by clicking "Contact" (but this isn't a
              form, just a "mailto:..." link).
              bdcravens wrote 21 hours 40 min ago:
              It passes all form fields in URL encoded format in the body
              (example, name=Billy+Cravens&state=TX)
                codetrotter wrote 20 hours 38 min ago:
                Sounds like a really bad UX
                I think if my mom was trying to submit a form, and it opened
                her email client with a body consisting of URL encoded data
                she’d probably just close the email client thinking that
                something went wrong. Then she’d try again and the same thing
                would happen again. Then she might call me, and I’d probably
                tell her to just forget about it and try to call them on the
                phone instead or give up and try another company instead.
                  vaylian wrote 19 hours 32 min ago:
                  > with a body consisting of URL encoded data
                  The e-mail client decodes the URL encoded data. So you
                  actually see plain text. The encoding is only done for the
                  purpose of passing the data from the browser to the e-mail
                    codetrotter wrote 17 hours 57 min ago:
                    I created a form with a dropdown and a some other inputs.
                    The result when using
                    enctype=application/x-www-form-urlencoded and method=post
                    in the form html is that the body that is shown in my email
                    client is URL encoded.
                    They have a different enc type that you could use to
                    specifically make it plain text. That one is not
                    recommended because then you're gonna have a bad time
                    parsing out the fields that were submitted from the form.
                      codetrotter wrote 17 hours 50 min ago:
                      And for reference, here is what the mail body looks like
                      with enctype=text/plain and method=post when it is opened
                      in iCloud mail ready to send
                          btext=adsfasdfsdafsdf afsdfas asd fa sdf as dfs
                      Other email clients might create different looking body
                      for text/plain enc type.
                        codetrotter wrote 17 hours 41 min ago:
                        One variant that seemed interesting was method=get with
                        In this case the values from the form get added as
                        headers in the email so they are not directly visible
                        to the user
                        I thought that I could still add user-visible subject
                        and body by adding ?subject=foo&body=bar to the mailto:
                        For example I could then have the subject say "Web form
                        submission", and have the body of the mail contain a
                        description that tells the user to send the email and
                        that the data they filled into the form will be sent
                        along with the email.
                        Even that is not great UX imo, but could still be
                        However from my testing with Brave web browser and
                        Apple Mail, the subject and body are not filled in for
                        the user in this case.
                GrantMoyer wrote 21 hours 5 min ago:
                Looks like it can also be plaintext encoded[1], so something
   URI          [1]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-in...
              throwup238 wrote 21 hours 49 min ago:
              Email body is in the “body” form field, subject line in
              “subject”, destination in “email”.
   URI        [1]: https://www.w3docs.com/snippets/html/how-to-create-mailt...
                bdcravens wrote 21 hours 36 min ago:
                Those parameters need to be passed in the mailto: URL, not the
                form, if the FORM is a POST
        dearroy wrote 22 hours 18 min ago:
        I understand your concern, but what about an open-source form builder
        that gives you control over what’s on your site?
   URI  [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39895960
        ulrischa wrote 22 hours 37 min ago:
        This is so overengineered. Just a simple web hosting and php script
        will do it
          ocdtrekkie wrote 22 hours 28 min ago:
          I write PHP forms for fun but there's a very valid point the default
          of this is extremely manual for every form you want to build. I
          really like the idea of at minimum using a database that creates
          tables and columns as needed for a form sent at it.
          At the office we have less proficient users who want to make web
          forms, but self-hosting the data is important to us.
            cess11 wrote 20 hours 37 min ago:
            Why? If you need more than five forms, invent a small DSL that
            consumes something like a five column CSV (form element type,
            label, id, something, something) and craps out some PHP and SQL for
            you. Maybe make the layout boilerplate configurable through a bit
            of simple templating.
            ecoqba wrote 20 hours 47 min ago:
            Yeah, but nowadays with GPT new forms can be generated fairly
            bdcravens wrote 21 hours 56 min ago:
            Everything you're describing could still be done in PHP (or another
            megadal wrote 22 hours 14 min ago:
            Yeah but this is using 3 different backend services just to
            automate self hosted forms.
            Pretty sure you can do this without 3 different services.
              cchance wrote 20 hours 8 min ago:
              I mean one a db.. you’d want that regardless and the others the
              processor.. and ones the form… you’d need those 3 in some
              variety anyway and technically you could drop the db if you just
              want it dumped to email id imagine
              This is literally a blog recommending to use n8n as your
              processor… that’s basically it lol he’s just adding ways
              that can be extended too like noco and metrics
                megadal wrote 19 hours 28 min ago:
                Maybe the article should be titled "Self-hosting forms, the n8n
                way" then, because if I was working with a dev who did this I
                would definitely question their sanity.
                But as an article about a cool way to utilize n8n, this is
                fair, and perhaps even elegant.
                  CoolCold wrote 18 hours 24 min ago:
                  The author clearly states he is not dev/sysadmin and just
                  playing around for hobby - I think it's totally fine.
              ocdtrekkie wrote 21 hours 28 min ago:
              That's entirely fair. I don't think I'd end up using the same
              setup as the author, but it definitely planted some ideas.
        Takennickname wrote 22 hours 37 min ago:
        Is there really no good open source form backend? That doesn't sound
          rroose wrote 3 hours 24 min ago:
          You could use Drupal and the very versatile Webform module:
   URI    [1]: https://www.drupal.org/project/webform
          beanclap wrote 21 hours 59 min ago:
          Formbricks can do what Formspree does but open source see here:
   URI    [1]: https://formbricks.com/vs-formspree
   DIR <- back to front page