_______ __ _______ | | |.---.-..----.| |--..-----..----. | | |.-----..--.--.--..-----. | || _ || __|| < | -__|| _| | || -__|| | | ||__ --| |___|___||___._||____||__|__||_____||__| |__|____||_____||________||_____| on Gopher (inofficial) URI Visit Hacker News on the Web COMMENT PAGE FOR: URI City Roads: A tool to draw all roads in a city at once cjs_ac wrote 51 min ago: * Greater London excludes the City of London * Footpaths and cycleways and shown as roads but railways are not thih9 wrote 58 min ago: OSM content attribution is missing (either not added or getting clipped) when the data is exported for printing on a mug. pmg101 wrote 1 hour 28 min ago: If you choose Brighton and zoom in on Hove Park you see the fingerprint maze there very beautifully rendered as a vector, amazing OSM has this detail! Defenestresque wrote 2 hours 17 min ago: The hobby-sized projects/videos on your Twitter are mesmerizing: [1] Talk about a true hacker mindset. Great bloody job! URI [1]: https://x.com/anvaka larodi wrote 3 hours 22 min ago: This is the level of projects that our GIS students deliver at the end of 60 hours of non-mandatory class. Perhaps 70%+ of visitors of HN can do it if they decide to, it is just an interdisciplinary area that not many explore. A project of similar complexity in the WEB or ML are would never get upvoted so much. aembleton wrote 1 hour 10 min ago: Are there are any tools that your GIS students use to create this? Or is it all code? Any libraries that you can recommend? I was thinking that I would query the global database for roads and then take the nodes and their coordinates. Then I would need to convert those coordinates into points on a canvas and draw lines between them. How would I get the boundaries of a city? Some places I've tried are just a point in osm. Is there some other data source you would use for that? cpa wrote 52 min ago: A combination of overpass turbo and a LLM would get you started pretty quick. Regarding GIS tools, download QGis (it sucks on mac but is okay on linux or windows) matsemann wrote 2 hours 17 min ago: What is your point? That it's "undeserved" and that's bad somehow? I think it was a cool visualization and fun to see. And still, 60 hours of research is more than I would put into it, so even if I technically was able to I would've never gotten around to actually do it. So nice to see something else than what I normally work with, even if it might be trivial in that domain. Capricorn2481 wrote 2 hours 36 min ago: Is this not a project in the web? Or what would be a web project of similar complexity? dudeinjapan wrote 3 hours 59 min ago: Well done! I tried Tokyo, and discovered it looks funny/disjointed because several far away islands like Hachijojima are part of Tokyo municipality. JSR_FDED wrote 6 hours 29 min ago: I was intrigued by how many of the 3000 cities youâve cached I had heard of. You used population size >100k as cutoff, it would be interesting to compare how many cities someone has heard of with their population size. This would be a fun metric to rate someoneâs âglobal orientationâ. Only recognize the cities with >1M people? Low GO score (or more charitably, high Local Focus score :-) rplnt wrote 5 hours 22 min ago: There are many quizzes like that on Sporcle. rl_for_energy wrote 7 hours 12 min ago: One of those simple charming tech experiences. Thanks for sharing! elbac wrote 8 hours 40 min ago: This is wonderful. Great job. imnotlost wrote 9 hours 20 min ago: Love it! I did a few cities where Iâve lived and it brings me back. latkin wrote 10 hours 23 min ago: In case others gave up, it took about 2.5 minutes to load my (midsize city) hometown from OpenStreetMap. So hang in there. NavinF wrote 6 hours 45 min ago: That's surprising. It only took me a couple of seconds to load NYC on my iPhone over 5G zipping1549 wrote 2 hours 31 min ago: Some cities are cached and NYC is going to be in it for sure. remram wrote 9 hours 12 min ago: Probably going to hit the paradox here, where most people are going to request a place where many people live, even though most places are small. I probably have no chance, living in NYC. dotancohen wrote 1 hour 55 min ago: I'm in a city well under 50,000 people not in the Americas nor Europe. The site gave a message that it was retrieving the data from OSM, then rendered the map faster than the browser would render a png. Very impressive. zactato wrote 8 hours 58 min ago: I would expect the opposite with a basic LRU cache before the fetch to OSM remram wrote 6 hours 55 min ago: That's fair unfortunately it's not what happened :-( sandworm101 wrote 9 hours 24 min ago: I'm at 10 minutes now, for a town of <15k. Render time might depend more on total area than number of lines to draw. Update: gave up after 20min. Something might be wrong with the particular city. fnordpiglet wrote 8 hours 24 min ago: Render time for Seattle is a blink of the eye which has both area and density. I think the time people is observing is loading the raw data from open street map itself. Capricorn2481 wrote 2 hours 33 min ago: Because they cache the biggest cities in the world. > To improve the performance of download, I indexed ~3,000 cities with population larger than 100,000 people and stored into a very simple protobuf format. The cities are stored into a cache in this github repositor flufluflufluffy wrote 8 hours 1 min ago: About 2 seconds for me to load and draw Los Angeles. Itâs definitely the load time/network latency, depending on where itâs loading from. This is amazing! I might use it for a custom map or something kayvulpe wrote 10 hours 38 min ago: Incredible! May take a while for a big city, but well worth the wait. Liftyee wrote 10 hours 46 min ago: In the age of bloated resource hogs, I was pleasantly surprised that this rendered with no perceptible lag or stuttering, even on my phone. Impressive how everything is drawn so efficiently. hiatus wrote 11 hours 0 min ago: Link to the github project: URI [1]: https://github.com/anvaka/city-roads okasaki wrote 11 hours 36 min ago: Great idea. Might print some and hang them. dotancohen wrote 1 hour 53 min ago: I was thinking that this would be a great gift, to print a set of dinner plates with every place that I know the couple lived in. Each plate a different city. Though I'm a bit worried about paint near food, especially for custom jobs. peppertree wrote 12 hours 52 min ago: There's also a Figma plugin that can import OSM as vector. URI [1]: https://www.figma.com/community/plugin/1251030017228239072/vec... walski wrote 13 hours 52 min ago: I get a 403 for some cities. E.g. Wyk (auf Föhr) returns 403 on this .pbf resource: URI [1]: https://city-roads.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/nov-02-2020/3601... walski wrote 13 hours 52 min ago: Oh damn, I thought this is a Show HN :D anvaka wrote 11 hours 7 min ago: appreciate the feedback - I'll take a look semi-extrinsic wrote 14 hours 0 min ago: Would be nicer if it would distinguish (just varying line thickness) between footpaths, roads, highways etc. Many European cities look messy in this view. IMO, prettymaps is quite a bit better: URI [1]: https://github.com/marceloprates/prettymaps noiv wrote 5 hours 50 min ago: It's JavaScript and exposes an extensive API via console: URI [1]: https://github.com/anvaka/city-roads/blob/main/API.md#loadin... mulhoon wrote 14 hours 3 min ago: Simple and effective. Beautiful to look at. Amorymeltzer wrote 14 hours 23 min ago: Neat! Lovely to look at. Is it caching just the most popular or previous searches? The option to print on a mug with one link is pretty neat! Might actually do that... HellsMaddy wrote 10 hours 57 min ago: From the README[0]: > To improve the performance of download, I indexed ~3,000 cities with population larger than 100,000 people and stored into a very simple protobuf format. [0] URI [1]: https://github.com/anvaka/city-roads crabmusket wrote 14 hours 24 min ago: I have a map of Brugge (Bruges) from this tool printed off on my wall. It's a great concept! anvaka wrote 11 hours 6 min ago: oh wow. Glad you liked it! tekno45 wrote 14 hours 33 min ago: Idk how long itd take normally so just kinda neat. But i love the slack in the dragging around the map. DIR <- back to front page