_______ __ _______ | | |.---.-..----.| |--..-----..----. | | |.-----..--.--.--..-----. | || _ || __|| < | -__|| _| | || -__|| | | ||__ --| |___|___||___._||____||__|__||_____||__| |__|____||_____||________||_____| on Gopher (inofficial) URI Visit Hacker News on the Web COMMENT PAGE FOR: URI Infinigen saikatsg wrote 3 min ago: Source: URI [1]: https://github.com/princeton-vl/infinigen janalsncm wrote 47 min ago: This seems extremely cool. Iâm wondering if it can be used to create procedural video game assets. kannonboy wrote 39 min ago: From the homepage it sounds like they've prioritised geometry fidelity for CV research rather than performance: > Infinigen is optimized for computer vision research, particularly 3D vision. Infinigen does not use bump/normal-maps, full-transparency, or other techniques which fake geometric detail. All fine details of geometry from Infinigen are real, ensuring accurate 3D ground truth. So I suspect the assets wouldn't be particularly optimised for video games. Perhaps a good starting point though! feverzsj wrote 2 hours 23 min ago: I like the "zero AI" part. markisus wrote 2 hours 35 min ago: This project generates synthetic computer vision training data. The arxiv paper has more detail including some cool pictures of random creatures it can generate. The images are nice but all of them are nature settings so I assume one would have to supplement this type of data with another data set for training a computer vision model. kannonboy wrote 51 min ago: The same authors also created Infinigen Indoors[1] to generate indoor scenes for computer vision applications such as robotics & AR. URI [1]: https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.11824 DIR <- back to front page