_______ __ _______ | | |.---.-..----.| |--..-----..----. | | |.-----..--.--.--..-----. | || _ || __|| < | -__|| _| | || -__|| | | ||__ --| |___|___||___._||____||__|__||_____||__| |__|____||_____||________||_____| on Gopher (inofficial) URI Visit Hacker News on the Web COMMENT PAGE FOR: URI Augurs demo zachwill wrote 2 hours 0 min ago: As someone coming from the Python data science / Jupyter side: holy crap this is lightning fast. Kudos! Very impressive work. jan_Inkepa wrote 5 hours 30 min ago: Is there any way to zoom out of the graphs once you've zoomed in by clicking and dragging? dygd wrote 5 hours 25 min ago: Double-click will reset the zoom atdt wrote 9 hours 8 min ago: For someone new to time series analysis, how did you choose these particular algorithms? Are they standard in the field, or more of a personal selection? ekianjo wrote 6 hours 21 min ago: entirely depends on the use case. If you want to do prediction, decomposition, classification, you have many different choices available. dang wrote 11 hours 15 min ago: Related: Show HN: Augurs, a time series toolkit for Rust - [1] - Nov 2024 (1 comment) URI [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42184386 whatevermom wrote 11 hours 43 min ago: Thanks for sharing DIR <- back to front page