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                                                             on Gopher (inofficial)
   URI Visit Hacker News on the Web
   URI   The marketing genius of Bryan Johnson
        hn_throwaway_99 wrote 1 hour 2 min ago:
        These kinds of advice articles on "how to build your personal brand"
        always tend to leave out those pesky little important details, like
        "spend 2 million dollars a year on your health regimen", which first
        requires you to be worth 10s of millions after selling your fintech
        pknerd wrote 1 hour 3 min ago:
        > Don't Die.
        Death is a part of natural selection and necessary for the ecosystem. I
        am surprised that this pro-science guy does not get it.
          xixixao wrote 43 min ago:
          What is human is far from “natural” for our original ecosystem.
          A better argument for death would be if you think it’s important
          for a healthy human society.
          emmelaich wrote 49 min ago:
          Good for the gene, not great for the individual.
          Matter of values not science.
            bambax wrote 23 min ago:
            But how will individuals fare should death be defeated? A world
            without death, with stupid gurus running around topless to show off
            their abs, is absolute hell.
        tptacek wrote 1 hour 11 min ago:
        I can't get past "Don't die. What a slogan!" What a slogan, indeed.
        bambax wrote 1 hour 53 min ago:
        I saw this days ago and commented here: [1] The comments with the next
        or previous ids (43089427, 43089425) correctly state that they are 3
        days old.
        But my comment below says it was made 15 minutes ago??!? How???!?
        It may be fine to repost a story to give it another chance or whatever,
        but changing the timestamps of comments is shady and, I think,
   URI  [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43089426
          jasonjmcghee wrote 1 hour 47 min ago:
          It's part of HN
          Second Chance Pool:
   URI    [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26998308
            bambax wrote 1 hour 43 min ago:
            Yeah ok, I was aware of this, but it doesn't say that the
            timestamps of comments will be modified! That's what I have an
            issue with.
            It may be a minor, ridiculous nitpick, but it's like editing my
            content without my consent. It's bad.
        lareading wrote 3 days ago:
        My tired eyes read that as Boris - keyboard bashing deleted!
        gherkinnn wrote 3 days ago:
        So Pete here uses Bryan's marketing notoriety to draw people's
        attention to his own marketing services, one of which is being a
        LinkedIn ghost writer. Colour me amused, there's a clever remark buried
        somewhere in here. But time is running out, so I will leave thinking
        what special kind of tool hires a LinkedIn ghost writer.
   URI  [1]: https://www.petecodes.io/linkedin-ghost-writer-for-hire/
        olives wrote 3 days ago:
        I actually quite like his content, and I consider myself generally wary
        of marketers and content creators.
        I find most of his videos, which typically follow the format of "I
        conducted experiment X on myself; here are the results," useful and
        digestible without being overly pushy about selling his Blueprint
        The sample size = 1 person (himself) casts doubt on a lot of his
        findings, but I've still made some lifestyle changes after watching his
        videos. I finish eating earlier, and anecdotally feel better. I've
        leaned toward eating more healthy nuts and extra-virgin olive oil, and
        I've also purchased a sleep tracker.
        I have not made any Blueprint purchases.
          road_to_freedom wrote 3 min ago:
          Which sleep tracker? Watches aren't accurate.
        robwwilliams wrote 3 days ago:
        He experimented with getting transfusions from his son. Amazing that he
        actual does not sound as nuts as he is ;-)
        Yes sugar BAD. Hey that’s a good slogan! I must start marketing that.
        Damn Bob Lustig beat me to it.
        If you want to live forever as a cognitive entity then the only
        solution is to start designing    your robot body and hope AGI can
        implement a version of you even you can not tell apart from you and
        areoform wrote 3 days ago:
        An interesting sociological tendence that I've noticed after talking to
        large-ish to medium-ish streamers is that haters fixate. And the
        greater that level of hate and fixation, the more successful that
        person seems to be.
        Of course, there is a critical threshold to this phenomenon - a hater
        singularity, if you will - after which the hate becomes negative, but
        before and up to that point, the hate just fuels the metrics.
        Is there a historical equivalent to this fixation? People have watched
        trials and followed the stories of serial killers with revulsion and
        fixation pre-social media & live streaming, but that fixation seems
        more muted (in retrospect) than today's trend.
        It's striking just how much negative emotions drive the "attention
        jzellis wrote 3 days ago:
        Is that the guy who looks like a damp slightly younger guy and brags
        about his kid's boner? Where do I sign up for ticket to that train?
        bambax wrote 3 days ago:
        > You might have seen his Netflix documentary where he talks about
        taking 100 pills a day in order to live longer. Or maybe you saw his
        YouTube videos where he shows the world his workout routines.
        No, I have not.
        > extremes gain attention. It polarises people. 90% of people might
        hate Bryan or think he is crazy. He has a lot of haters. 9% of people
        might be curious but ambivalent. But if 1% of people love Bryan’s
        message, that’s all he needs. It’s better to have a small number of
        fanatical fans than lots of people who are luke-warm about you.
        That's a recipe for a cult. Maybe creating cult followers is the
        ultimate goal of any "marketing" initiative. But it's not admirable,
        nor recommendable.
        For this person who pretends they will not die, it's just ridiculous
        and unimportant, but when it comes to politics and MAGA obtuse
        fanatics, it destroys the world.
          idopmstuff wrote 1 hour 33 min ago:
          “The sober truth is that religions are the most stable and
          strongest organizations in the entire world,” he says. “Say I’m
          a cult, and I’ll joke that my cult is better than your cult because
          it tells people to eat healthy food and go to bed on time.”
          -Bryan Johnson in [1] And hey, he has a point. His following is
          fanatical about stuff like... going to bed early, exercising and
          eating right.
   URI    [1]: https://www.menshealth.com/health/a63664080/bryan-johnson-do...
            bambax wrote 26 min ago:
            > my cult is better than your cult
            That's not possible, because I don't have a cult. That's the point.
            All cults are bad, they can't be ranked.
              pfannkuchen wrote 22 min ago:
              Cults are ideology startups. Most start ups fail. Doesn’t mean
              they all will.
            ecuaflo wrote 46 min ago:
            But not about masking, and subsequently contracting covid, hurting
            his health more than any of his therapies have helped.
   URI      [1]: https://x.com/lauramiers/status/1846199554288292232
        drpossum wrote 3 days ago:
          areoform wrote 3 days ago:
          > What if I replace "Bryan" with "Charles Manson"? And this is why I
          have no respect for "marketing".
          The trivial reply to your point is, What if I took {engineering /
          science topic} and replaced it with {weapon}? And this is why I have
          no respect for "engineering."
          I think scientists and engineers should learn how to be great
          marketers because we need to reach people where they are. Not where
          we'd like them to be.
          If you still feel viscerally icked out, then it's worth remembering,
          dosis sola facit venenum — only the dose makes the poison.
            drpossum wrote 3 days ago:
            No, because I wouldn't make a blanket statement of "if some
            fraction of people like , then it clearly must be good" because
            it's an absurd statement to make.  It takes away all nuance and
            conversation.  It forces a one-perspective narrative and that's
            exactly why marketing and marketers-in-the-modern-sense are shit. 
            (btw I'll gladly stand with my conviction and hypocrisy whilst you
            go stand with advertisers)
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