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                                                             on Gopher (inofficial)
   URI Visit Hacker News on the Web
   URI   Why Ruby on Rails still matters
        y0ssar1an wrote 2 min ago:
        You know a language is dying when you start seeing articles like this.
        pgcosta wrote 1 hour 4 min ago:
        "It struggles with LLM text streaming, parallel processing in Ruby[3],
        and lacks strong typing for AI coding tools."
        What's the struggle specifically?
        How these general articles of opinion get to the first page of HN I'll
        never understand.
        Just random statements without anything to back them up.
        stevev wrote 1 hour 46 min ago:
        I love Ruby. However, based on my readings, Rust, rocket, seems like a
        compelling choice due to its true parallel processing capabilities,
        strong typing, and impressive speed. Perhaps the author has yet to
        explore other technologies outside of Rails.
        the__alchemist wrote 2 hours 22 min ago:
        Along this vein: I learned programming ~15 years ago. On my own, as a
        hobby. Now it's a hobby and day job. Lots of tech churn in this time
        period. I've branched out into many domains.
        The constant that's been with me from start to end: Django. Because
        it's fantastic and versatile. I still am kind of bitter the tutorial I
        followed wasted so much time on tangents regarding VirtualBox, Vagrant,
        Chef... I program most things in rust, but not web, because there is
        nothing there that compares.
        Sparkyte wrote 3 hours 13 min ago:
        As someone who directly worked on Ruby on Rails with developers, their
        worflows and deployments. It is far too niche to be viable in the
        mainstream and provides even less incentive to newer languages.
        But it is a fun language.
        Also latest Python is faster than the current Ruby let that sink in.
        You can go even faster if you do a compiled Python like PuPu.
        m11a wrote 5 hours 46 min ago:
        It's still my favourite web framework. I just wish the Ruby language
        had better support for type annotations (like Python does). Then it'd
        be sorta perfect for me
        revskill wrote 6 hours 31 min ago:
        Not adopting SPA architecture is the MAIN mistake of DHH and RoR
        teleforce wrote 6 hours 34 min ago:
        It's very interesting to note that you can build and maintain meta web
        framework like RoR with Ruby, Django and even D language.
        Go and Rust are amazing languages, but why can’t they produce a
        Rails-like framework?
        Is it just a matter of time before Go/Rust create a Rails-like
        framework, or is something fundamental preventing it?
        Perhaps this article by Patrick Li (author of Stanza language) has the
        answers [1] Stop Designing Languages. Write Libraries Instead:
   URI  [1]: https://lbstanza.org/purpose_of_programming_languages.html
          zzzeek wrote 12 min ago:
          Dynamically-typed scripting languages like Ruby and Python are well
          suited to a lot of the kinds of patterns used by the "easy" web
          frameworks.    Once you get into a statically typed, compiled
          language, the language itself is oriented towards up-front formality
          which make various "convention-oriented" patterns awkward and
          ill-fitting to the language.
          the__alchemist wrote 2 hours 18 min ago:
          I'm wondering this too. Lots of rust web promises, but so far all we
          have are Flask-likes, and statements-of-intent. Give it time?
          If you ask about this in rust communities online, they will tell you
          they don't want something like this, that Actix etc do everything
          they need. I'm baffled! Maybe they're making microservices, and not
          web-sites or web apps?
          modernerd wrote 4 hours 28 min ago:
          Loco is worth keeping an eye on for Rust: [1] The Go community is
          more framework-averse, preferring to build things around the standard
          library and generally reduce third-party dependencies. Go also tends
          to be used more for backends, services and infrastructure and less
          for fullstack websites than Ruby/Python/PHP/C#.
   URI    [1]: https://loco.rs/
            jackbravo wrote 1 hour 2 min ago:
            Or if you want more Next.JS like, but still fullstack framework
            there is [1] and [2] . Maybe dioxus being much more ambitious in
            its scope (not just web).
   URI      [1]: https://leptos.dev/
   URI      [2]: https://dioxuslabs.com/
          Alifatisk wrote 4 hours 30 min ago:
          > Is it just a matter of time before Go/Rust create a Rails-like
          The key to Rails is the Ruby language, it's very flexible. Someone
          were able to meta program Ruby code to the point that it was able to
          run JS code.
        matt-p wrote 6 hours 49 min ago:
        "Next.js enabled websites to approach iPhone app quality."
        This is a fascinating perspective, because building PWAs with raw js
        and very early react I always felt these were as good as iPhone app
        globular-toast wrote 7 hours 40 min ago:
        I haven't actually used RoR, but I've used Django extensively and
        understand they are fairly similar. How do people build things that
        aren't just CRUD? Django calls itself a "web framework" but I think
        that's wrong, it's a CRUD app framework. Is RoR the same?
        The main problem I have is the mixing up of low-level logic like web
        and database etc with high-level logic (ie. business rules). The easy
        path leads to a ball of mud with duplicated business rules across views
        and forms etc. How are people dealing with this? Does RoR fit into a
        larger application architecture where it does just the CRUD part and
        some other systems take over to do the business part?
        It always seems to start well, you have your models, and views just
        doing CRUD stuff. But then someone says "I don't want to have to create
        an author before I create a book, let me enter new author details when
        I enter a book", and then the whole thing breaks. You need some logic
        somewhere to create authors but only in certain cases and of course the
        whole thing needs to be one transaction etc. Then you end up basically
        undoing all the simple views you did and essentially fighting the
        system to handle logic it was never designed to handle.
        In essence, these systems make the easy stuff easy and the hard stuff
        even harder.
          Tainnor wrote 3 hours 21 min ago:
          You can certainly write complex applications in Rails that go beyond
          CRUD. But in my experience (which may be outdated, I haven't written
          Rails in years), it requires a lot of discipline and going beyond
          what Rails itself offers. Sometimes you may even have to fight some
          of Rails's conventions.
          There are some people who have tried to abstract such things into yet
          another framework on top of Rails, e.g. I recall Trailblazer[0], but
          I have no idea if anyone still uses it.
   URI    [1]: https://trailblazer.to/2.1/
        neonsunset wrote 8 hours 10 min ago:
        It does not when ASP.NET Core exists. UX just as good or even better,
        10x performance.
        kilroy123 wrote 8 hours 12 min ago:
        I so wish we had Rails for JavaScript. Many have tried but no
        equivalent exists.
        DeathArrow wrote 8 hours 43 min ago:
        >It became the foundation for numerous successful companies
        And after the MVP phase passed and the company became successful, they
        usually rewrote the software in something else.
          forgingahead wrote 8 hours 41 min ago:
          This never happens in real life....."rewriting software" is the
          introverted programmer's wet dream because it gives them relevance
          and the idea of respect. No serious business "rewrites software in
          something else" once they start to take off.
            procaryote wrote 8 hours 12 min ago:
            You don't do it for fun*, but because the rapid development
            duck-typed dynamic language you used to get to MVP quickly is not
            the language you need to keep it working under load and a growing
            feature set.
            It's a terrible and difficult transition that makes you question if
            the first language was really such a good choice after all,
            although it did get you where you are right now, which is more than
            you can say for a bunch of companies trying to do everything future
            proof from day 0
            (* well, some people do, but they don't tend to survive)
            cowsandmilk wrote 8 hours 32 min ago:
            I can point to plenty of companies that have rewritten products at
            scale. That said, specifically relevant to the article, I believe
            Shopify and GitHub continue to run Ruby on Rails.
        thr0waway001 wrote 10 hours 57 min ago:
        I haven't learned PHP nor Ruby but if I had to go with one it would be
        PHP. Seems like I'd get the most utility out of it and prospects in my
        In fact, I've never seen a RoR job posted in my area. Mostly PHP,
        Python and JS.
        But you know, you gotta give credit where credit is due. Laravel would
        not be a thing if it weren't for RoR. RoR was incredibly influential.
        Ok, so maybe I exaggerated, I've dabbled in these languages. Not really
        formally learned them. Or at least .... I can't say I've learned them
        if I haven't done any paid work with them.
          JodieBenitez wrote 9 hours 45 min ago:
          > In fact, I've never seen a RoR job posted in my area. Mostly PHP,
          Python and JS.
          The trick is to get jobs where people don't care about your tools but
          only the results. And then you can use whatever tools you want. Did
          that long ago with Django when there was literally no Python jobs in
          my area.
        cjohnson318 wrote 11 hours 39 min ago:
        I think Rails's big contribution is the idea of convention over
        configuration. Maybe this my own myopia, but Django feels like Rails,
        and NextJS also borrows from Rails. I've only managed one Rails project
        in production, and I had to come up to speed really fast to support it,
        but I loved it.
        cratermoon wrote 12 hours 14 min ago:
        COBOL still matters, too.
        Would I chose to start a new project with it today, in 2025?
        Hell naw.
        jes5199 wrote 12 hours 17 min ago:
        it’s been quite a few years since I’ve worked in Rails, but I miss
        it sometimes.  None of the other platforms ever completely replicated
        the functionality of a standard Rails environment circa 2009, so we
        reinvent the wheel every time. Basic stuff, too: ORM hooks,
        validations. It’s always a relief when I get to work with someone who
        has also worked on Rails before, because it means we have a shared
        vocabulary - there’s no equivalent thing among Python programmers, or
        JVM programmers, or anywhere else that I’m aware of
          darkhorse13 wrote 9 hours 7 min ago:
          Django is exactly that for Python.
          troad wrote 10 hours 52 min ago:
          In an era where everything and their mother is getting rewritten in
          Rust, surely we should be able to get a proper, fully featured,
          batteries included web framework out of it too. But it seems like all
          Rust web frameworks are either extremely low level (so low level that
          I don't see their value add at all), or extremely unfinished. Last I
          checked, even things like "named routes" or TLS were exotic features
          that required manual (and incompatible!) workarounds.
          It's kind of fascinating to me that all the frameworks in 'slow',
          dynamic languages (Rails, Laravel) are feature packed and ready to
          roll, and everything in 'fast', static languages is so barren by
          comparison. The two seem almost exactly inversely proportional, in
          A batteries-included web framework in Rust with comparable built-in
          functionality to Rails, and comparable care for ease-of-use, would be
          game changer.
            simonask wrote 6 hours 38 min ago:
            As a rustacean, I completely agree. A big chunk of the Rust
            ecosystem is obsessed with performance, and sees static typing as
            the way to achieve that. This approach generates extremely
            efficient code, but blows up compile times and creates a messy hell
            of generics (and accompanying type check errors).
            I think there is a space for a more dynamic and high-level web
            framework in Rust, with an appropriate balance between leveraging
            the powerful type system and ease of use.
          danhaywood wrote 11 hours 56 min ago:
          For JVM, Apache Causeway provides similar capabilities (in fact, even
          more abstracted than RonR). Full disclosure: I'm a committee on that
   URI    [1]: https://causeway.apache.org
          ehnto wrote 12 hours 8 min ago:
          Laravel for PHP has a similar scope, community and exposure I would
          Having mostly done agency work my whole life I have seen a lot of
          frameworks, in a lot of languages. Rails and Laravel are the
          standouts for just QoL experience, and Getting Shit Done.
          They're engineered to get out of the way, and modular or extensible
          enough to enable deeper modifications easily.
        pmarreck wrote 12 hours 45 min ago:
        Of course it still matters.
        What else would both teach programmers that nice languages exist, and
        that OOP leads to a nondeterministic spaghetticode hellscape? ;)
        (I once spent an entire month debugging a transient login issue
        (session loss bug) on a million-line RoR app. Most of the bug ended up
        being something which merged a HashWithIndifferentAccess with a regular
        Hash, and key overwrite was nondeterministic. This type of bug is
        doubly impossible in something like Elixir- both since it is
        data-focused and not inheritance-focused, and because it is immutable.)
          Tainnor wrote 3 hours 27 min ago:
          HashWithIndifferentAccess is one of these IMHO stupid design
          decisions of Rails that sacrifice maintainability (and consistency
          with Ruby, the language) just for the sake of making things slightly
          easier to write.
        yayitswei wrote 12 hours 51 min ago:
        I wouldn't say Rails is the most simple and abstracted way to build a
        web application. More so than Next.js, yes, but there are both older
        and newer technologies that keep things simpler.
          jrochkind1 wrote 11 hours 39 min ago:
          Such as?
            yayitswei wrote 9 hours 27 min ago:
            Simple and abstract are subjective, but for me: PHP, jQuery, htmx,
            Electric Clojure.
        czhu12 wrote 13 hours 16 min ago:
        Rails makes me really appreciate the dictatorial nature of it (dhh).
        Compared to the free for all landscape in javascript, Rails moves a lot
        slower, but decisively.
        I started using rails in 2014, and I think this is some of the most
        exciting days in rails. Hotwire, Turbo, Stimulus + no build JS pushed
        the framework into what feels like next generation web development.
        While all the same patterns exist in javascript, it seems like there
        are 5, 6, 7, 8 ways to do everything. Something as trivial as
        authentication has multiple implementations online, with multiple
        libraries, which is hugely frustrating.
        Sincere6066 wrote 13 hours 31 min ago:
        Why is the ruby/rails community so weird. Half of us just quietly make
        stuff, but the other half seems to need to sporadically reassure
        everyone that it's not dead, actually.
        > Rails has started to show its age amid with the current wave of
        AI-powered applications.
        Not everything needs to have bloody AI.
          pmontra wrote 3 hours 32 min ago:
          A former customer of mine is creating AI apps with Rails. After all
          what one is those apps need is to call an API and output the results.
          Rails or any other system are more than capable of doing that.
          troad wrote 10 hours 36 min ago:
          > Why is the ruby/rails community so weird. Half of us just quietly
          make stuff, but the other half seems to need to sporadically reassure
          everyone that it's not dead, actually.
          Half the net merrily runs on PHP and jQuery. Far more if you index on
          company profitability.
          > Not everything needs to have bloody AI.
          Some things are an anti-signal at this point. If a service provider
          starts talking about AI, what I hear is that I'm going to need to
          look for a new service provider pretty soon.
          zdragnar wrote 10 hours 38 min ago:
          Based on what I've seen from job postings in the US, you can't start
          a company in healthcare right now unless you've got AI featuring
          Sadly, I'm not even talking cool stuff like imaging (though it's
          there too), but anything to do with clinical notes to insurance is
          all AI-ified.
          Truly, it is the new crypto-web3 hype train, except there'll be a few
          useful things to come out of it too.
            GuardianCaveman wrote 7 hours 33 min ago:
            Yes now at doctors offices you have the option to sign an agreement
            for the doctor to wear a microphone to record the conversation and
            then AI tool automatically creates a report for the doctor. AI and
            all aspects of medicine seem to be merging.
              einsteinx2 wrote 6 hours 15 min ago:
              This kind of thing scares me knowing how bad AI meeting and
              document summaries are, at least what I’ve used. Missing key
              details, misinterpreting information, hallucinating things that
              weren’t said…boy I can’t wait for my doctor to use an AI
              summary of my visit to incorrectly diagnose me!
          dismalaf wrote 12 hours 29 min ago:
          > Not everything needs to have bloody AI.
          And even if it did, the Ruby eco-system has AI stuff...
            philip1209 wrote 10 hours 57 min ago:
            ankane to the rescue, as normal
              dismalaf wrote 10 hours 17 min ago:
              True hah.  Of course even if they didn't already most AI libs are
              actually C++ libs that Python interfaces with, and Ruby has
              probably the best FFI of any language.
        fijiaarone wrote 13 hours 41 min ago:
        I only read the first sentence, but try running a Next.js app from 2
        years ago.
        Good luck with that.
        mulnz wrote 14 hours 4 min ago:
        henning wrote 15 hours 40 min ago:
        "Another trillion dollars worth of companies is being built on Next.js,
        and these web apps are faster and more polished than what could have
        been built on Ruby on Rails."
        This makes absolutely no sense. HTTP is HTTP. Maybe one framework makes
        something more convenient than the other, but more "polished"? What
        does that even mean and what exactly is Next.js enabling?
        lenerdenator wrote 16 hours 16 min ago:
        RoR is great. Ruby just needs to grow beyond it.
        I worked at a company that, when faced with the choice between
        rewriting its Django apps in Python 3, and rewriting them in RoR,
        decided to go with the latter.
        Now, I didn't like that since I was on an undermanned team that had
        literally just started a major update of a Django site, and it arguably
        wasn't the right way to go business-wise, but a lot of ideas that have
        come into Django over the years were ideas that existed in RoR.
        I'd like to see that sort of innovation happen in some of the other
        spaces that Python is in, if for no other reason than to prevent
        monoculture in those areas. There needs to be offerings for Ruby in
        other areas, like scientific computing, machine learning/AI, and data
        analysis that get the same uptake that Rails does.
        UncleOxidant wrote 17 hours 7 min ago:
        >  It became the foundation for numerous successful companies - Airbnb,
        Shopify, Github, Instacart, Gusto, Square, and others. Probably a
        trillion dollars worth of businesses run on Ruby on Rails today.
        Do those companies still run their businesses on RoR? My impression was
        that companies started out with it, but migrated to something more
        robust as their traffic grew.
          pianoben wrote 13 hours 44 min ago:
          Instacart had an engineer presenting at Rails World 2024 just a few
          months ago; they're still heavily invested in the platform.
          Levitating wrote 16 hours 52 min ago:
          Airbnb, Shopify and GitHub I can say never migrated away from RoR.
          The others I don't know.
          Shopify is actually quite active in Ruby development and famously
          uses the new JIT compiler.
            troad wrote 10 hours 30 min ago:
            Shopify made the new Ruby JIT compiler. [0] They're on the Rails
            Foundation, as is 1Password, among others.
            Stripe is still in on Ruby too; they're behind the Sorbet gradual
            type system, and Ruby is a first-class language for working with
            their API.
            I always hear the stereotype of companies starting on Rails and
            migrating later, and I think it sticks around because it makes some
            level of intuitive sense, but it doesn't actually appear to happen
            all that often. I guess successful companies don't see the need to
            rewrite a successful codebase when they can just put good engineers
            to work on optimising it instead.
   URI      [1]: https://shopify.engineering/ruby-yjit-is-production-ready
          philip1209 wrote 17 hours 3 min ago:
          I know for sure Shopify, Github, and Gusto are big Rails shops.
          Amazon was recently hiring for Rails to work on a podcast app they
          bought, too.
            tate_thurston wrote 16 hours 42 min ago:
            Yep, I’m at Amazon, now working on said podcasting subsidiary,
            ART19. We’re a rails shop.
            There are a few acquisition companies and teams using Rails inside
        zombiwoof wrote 18 hours 2 min ago:
        The one year working on a rails project I will never get back
        What a horrendous pile of garbage, and before you ask, the project was
        started by two Rails experts.
        Company almost went under because of it before we rewrote in Flask and
        react and then got acquired
          Glyptodon wrote 11 hours 26 min ago:
          I suspect maybe they weren't experts if Flask + React seemed to solve
          whatever the problems were. (Particularly since using React with
          Rails is fine.)
          That said, I've encountered a solid number of Rails projects that
          have been dumpster fires because their devs didn't follow conventions
          AND had horrible modeling/schema issues.
          (Example: let's create our own job system that's many times worse
          than Active Job for no real reason...)
          The other recurring thing that I see come up a lot with Rails
          projects is that nobody can really agree on where to put their
          business logic for anything complex.
            ramkalari wrote 7 hours 41 min ago:
            I once had to fix a Rails project where the original developer
            chose not to use ActiveRecord, ActiveJob or any of the Rails built
            in features. Not sure why he wanted to go that route unless he
            wanted to learn Ruby at the customers expense.
          e12e wrote 17 hours 53 min ago:
          Your comment would be more interesting with a bit more context.
          Which version of rails?
          Did you work in rails for a year, then rewrite?
          How long did the rewrite take?
          Was it a rails monolith - server side rendering and no api?
          Was the database schema good - did you keep it for the rewrite?
          Was it a good fit for react?
        rednafi wrote 18 hours 33 min ago:
        I feel the same, but for Django, even though I don’t write Python as
        much these days.
        openplatypus wrote 18 hours 54 min ago:
        RoR needs to distance itself from DHH to matter.
          dismalaf wrote 12 hours 19 min ago:
          Literally everything interesting about RoR is because of DHH. 
          Hotwire, Import Maps, Kamal, etc...
          werdnapk wrote 18 hours 32 min ago:
          Why? That's like somebody saying Linux has to distance itself from
          Linus because they have some sort of grudge against them or they
          don't like the authoritarian position they have over the project.
        mostlysimilar wrote 19 hours 37 min ago:
        > Rails has started to show its age amid with the current wave of
        AI-powered applications.
        A feature, not a bug. Rails will continue to be good for building
        things long after the AI boom has died down.
        krashidov wrote 19 hours 38 min ago:
        > Many of today's most polished products, like Linear and ChatGPT
        launched as Next.js applications, and treated mobile apps as secondary
        Linear was started on next.js? I thought they built a custom sync
        engine? [1] I feel like this article is hyping up the importance of
   URI  [1]: https://linear.app/blog/scaling-the-linear-sync-engine
          jeremy_k wrote 19 hours 33 min ago:
          The data layer is an orthogonal choice to the frontend framework /
          You could use Next.js + any API to create an application.
          You could use Next.js + a sync engine to create an application.
          You could use React Router + Vite + any API to create an application.
          You could use React Router + Vite + a sync engine to create an
            krashidov wrote 19 hours 8 min ago:
            Isn't next.js a full stack framework though? Like can't you have it
            do server side rendering?
   URI      [1]: https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/data...
              matijash wrote 18 hours 48 min ago:
              Full-stack is an overloaded term, but it used to mean "a completr
              solution for building a web app."
              From the comment above: Next.js is the opposite of a "batteries
              included" framework. No abstractions for ORM, background jobs,
              sending emails, managing attachments, web socket communication -
              all very basic stuff when dealing with a production application.
                hombre_fatal wrote 15 hours 57 min ago:
                Next.js solves the hard thing of server rendering + frontend
                hydration of JS components.
                So if that's the battery that you need, pretty much nothing
                else has it except for Next.js.
                These days, I tend to want a web framework to do the hard
                things for me rather than the tedious/boilerplate but simple
                things like email-sending.
        matijash wrote 19 hours 40 min ago:
        Ruby on Rails has an amazing DX (e.g. engines). We are trying to
        recreate that for JS with Wasp ( [1] )
   URI  [1]: https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp
        dceddia wrote 19 hours 40 min ago:
        > lacks strong typing for AI coding tools
        I've heard this criticism a few times – the fear that LLMs will be
        bad at Rails because there's no types – and I don't think it's
        At least in my experience (using the Windsurf IDE with Claude 3.5
        Sonnet) LLMs do a very good job in a Rails codebase for stuff like "I
        want to create a new page for listing Widgets, and a Create page for
        those Widgets. And then add pagination.". I've been able to spin up
        whole new entities with a model/view/controller and database migration
        and tests, styled with tailwind.
        I think the reason strong types don't matter as much as we might assume
        is because Rails has very strong conventions. Routing lives in
        routes.rb, controllers go under app/controllers, most controllers or
        models will look very similar to other ones, etc.
        Type information is something that has to be presented to the LLM at
        runtime for it to be accurate, but convention-over-configuration is
        stuff that it will have picked up in training data across thousands of
        Rails apps that look very similar.
        On top of that, the core Rails stuff hasn't drastically changed over
        time, so there's lots of still-accurate StackOverflow questions to
        train on. (as opposed to something like Next.js which had a huge
        upheaval over app router vs pages router, and the confusion that would
        cause in training data).
        In my opinion the future of LLM-aided Rails development seems pretty
          Glyptodon wrote 11 hours 42 min ago:
          I've found LLMs are pretty good at generating basic code for
          everything except the specs/tests when it comes to Rails. Lot of my
          work lately has been like 4x more time w/ specs/tests than actually
          creating the application code because LLM just isn't cutting it for
          that part.
          janee wrote 12 hours 33 min ago:
          So we have an LLM code scaffold repo we use in a large (2m loc)
          production Rails codebase and it works amazingly well.
          Rails and especially Ruby lends itself to describing business logic
          as part of source code closer to natural language than a lot of typed
          languages imo and that synergizes really well with a lot of different
          models and neat LLM uses for code creation and maintenance.
            dceddia wrote 10 hours 25 min ago:
            Interesting! What sort of stuff goes in the scaffold repo? Like
            examples of common patterns?
            Definitely agree I think Ruby's closeness to natural language is a
            big win, especially with the culture of naming methods in
            self-explanatory ways. Maybe even moreso than in most other
            languages. Swift and Objective C come to mind as maybe also being
            very good for LLMs, with their very long method names.
              janee wrote 3 hours 55 min ago:
              it's fairly bespoke, but some examples:
              ETL pipelines, we catalogue and link our custom transformers to
              bodies of text that describes business cases for it with some
              examples, you can then describe your ETL problem in text and it
              will scaffold out a pipeline for you.
              Fullstack scaffolds that go from models to UI screen, we have
              like a set of standard components and how they interact and
              communicate through GraphQL to our monolith (e.g. server side
              pagination, miller column grouping, sorting, filtering, PDF
              export, etc. etc.). So if you make a new model it will scaffold
              the CRUD fully for you all the way to the UI (it get's some stuff
              wrong but it's still a massive time save for us).
              Patterns for various admin controls (we use active admin, so this
              thing will scaffold AA resources how we want).
              Refactor recipes for certain things we've deprecated or improved.
              We generally don't migrate everything at once to a new pattern,
              instead we make "recipes" that describe the new pattern and point
              it to an example, then run it as we get to that module or lib for
              new work.
              There are more, but these are some off the top of my head.
              I think a really big aspect of this though is the integration of
              our scaffolds and recipes in Cursor. We keep these scaffold
              documents in markdown files that are loaded as cursor notepads
              which reference to real source code.
              So we sort of rely heavily on the source code describing itself,
              the recipe or pattern or scaffold just provides a bit of extra
              context on different usage patterns and links the different
              pieces or example together.
              You can think of it as giving an LLM "pro tips" around how things
              are done in each team and repo which allows for rapid scaffold
              creation. A lof of this you can do with code generators and good
              documentation, but we've found this usage of Cursor notepads for
              scaffolds and architecture is less labour intensive way to keep
              it up to date and to evolve a big code base in a consistent
              Edit: something to add, this isn't a crutch, we require our devs
              to fully understand these patterns. We use it as a tool for
              consistency, for rapid scaffold creation and of course for
              speeding up things we haven't gotten around to streamlining (like
              repetitive bloat)
          snickell wrote 12 hours 34 min ago:
          I suspect long-term LLMs spell the end of typed language popularity
          in most application programming contexts.
          I agree with The Grug Brained Developer ( [1] ) that “type systems
          most value when grug hit dot on keyboard and list of things grug can
          do pop up magic. this 90% of value of type system or more to grug”.
          This already is being heavily replaced by LLMs (e.g. copilot) in many
          people’s workflows. Co-pilot’s suggestions are already mostly
          higher level, and more useful, than the static typing auto-complete.
          I believe the quality-of-autocomplete gap between typed and untyped
          languages has already largely converged in 2025. Co-pilot today
          writing TypeScript just doesn’t produce overwelmingly better
          auto-complete results than JavaScript. Compare with 4 years ago,
          where Javascript auto-complete was trash compared with TS. And even
          then, people argued the merits of untyped: all else being equal, less
          is more.
          What happens when “all else” IS equal? ;-)
          Currently, static typing can help the LLM generate its code properly,
          so it has value in helping the LLM itself. But, once the LLM can
          basically hold your whole codebase in its context, I don’t see much
          use for static typing in implementing the “hit dot on keyboard, see
          list of things you can do” advantage. Essentially, the same way
          type inference / auto lets languages skip repetitive specification
          typing, by holding your whole codebase in memory the LLM can mostly
          infer the type of everything simply by how it is called/used. LLMs
          take type inference to the next level, to the degree that the type
          barely needs to be specified to know “press ., see what you can
          I rarely use the static typing type of auto-completion when
          programming now, almost everything I accept is a higher level LLM
          suggestion. Even if that’s not true for you today, it might be
          Is the remaining 10% of “formal correctness” worth the extra
          volume of characters on the screen? I suspect Rust will do well into
          the distant LLM future (used in contexts where formal correctness is
          relatively important, say kernels), and I suspect TypeScript will
          decrease in popularity as a result of LLMs.
   URI    [1]: https://grugbrain.dev/
            Tainnor wrote 3 hours 32 min ago:
            > Is the remaining 10% of “formal correctness” worth the extra
            volume of characters on the screen?
            Yes, if only just for the ease of large-scale refactorings. And
            "extra volume of characters" is very limited if you use a modern
            language. In Haskell you could even not write a single type
            annotation in all of your code, although that's not recommended.
            I doubt most people who like static types only do so because of
          e12e wrote 17 hours 47 min ago:
          > At least in my experience (using the Windsurf IDE with Claude 3.5
          Sonnet) LLMs do a very good job in a Rails codebase for stuff like "I
          want to create a new page for listing Widgets, and a Create page for
          those Widgets. And then add pagination.". I've been able to spin up
          whole new entities with a model/view/controller and database
          migration and tests, styled with tailwind.
          Does it suggest using rails generators for this - and/or does it give
          you idiomatic code?
            dceddia wrote 16 hours 4 min ago:
            The last time I tried this it created idiomatic code from scratch.
            I prompted it in phases though, and I suspect if I had asked it for
            more at once it might've used a generator.
          Kerrick wrote 18 hours 23 min ago:
          See also:
   URI    [1]: https://gist.github.com/peterc/214aab5c6d783563acbc2a9425e5e...
          sergiotapia wrote 18 hours 33 min ago:
          In Elixir land we have Instructor. It hits AI endpoints cleanly, and
          then validates the returned JSON using Ecto Changesets. Very
          powerful, clean abstraction. Love it! [1] Someone in Rails land could
          build similar and voila.
   URI    [1]: https://hexdocs.pm/instructor/Instructor.html
          freedomben wrote 19 hours 24 min ago:
          You make some good points, but I think as AI continues progressing
          down the road of "reasoning", any data points that allow it to reason
          more will be helpful, including (and maybe especially) types.  AI
          could definitely reason about rails too, and perhaps it will quickly
          get really good at that (especially if it "understands" the rails
          source code) but it's hard to think of a situation in which less data
          is more useful than more data
            dceddia wrote 15 hours 47 min ago:
            I think types can help, but I don't think they're "strong" enough
            to overrule training data.
            I just ran into an example of this trying to get it (Windsurf +
            Claude) to "rewrite this Objective C into Rust using the objc2
            crate". It turns out objc2 made some changes and deprecated a bunch
            of stuff.
            It's not figuring stuff out from base principles and reading the
            types to write this code, it's just going off of all the examples
            it was trained on that used the old APIs, so there's lots of errors
            and incorrect types being passed around. Hopefully it'll keep
            getting better.
          philip1209 wrote 19 hours 30 min ago:
          I've noticed that, in agent workflows like Cursor, they're able to
          use built-in type checkers to correct errors.
          With Ruby, it doesn't have as much information, so it has to rely on
          testing or linters for feedback.
            dceddia wrote 19 hours 25 min ago:
            I haven't seen it run into a ton of issues like this when it can
            see all of the files, but I did hit issues where it would make
            guesses about how e.g. the Stripe gem's API worked and they'd be
            Overall with Rails though, testing has always been pretty important
            partly because of the lack of types. I have noticed Windsurf is
            pretty good at taking a controller or model and writing tests for
            it though!
        xpe wrote 19 hours 41 min ago:
        To go in the other direction, static site generators (SSGs) also have a
        place on the menu. Build locally. Host them on your favorite CDN. I
        personally really like Zola (Rust), inspired by Hugo (Go).
          hombre_fatal wrote 15 hours 49 min ago:
          Fwiw, Next.js has a solution for that:
   URI    [1]: https://nextjs.org/docs/pages/building-your-application/rend...
        aosaigh wrote 19 hours 58 min ago:
        Is Next.js really that popular? What else are people building back-end
        applications with? Are they just NOT building back-end applications and
        moving to services like Next.js with function-based hybrid backends?
        ram_rar wrote 20 hours 0 min ago:
        Starting today in what scenario would RoR would be a better option than
        Next.js for building web app? Assuming one has to start from 0 -> 1 .
          prh8 wrote 1 hour 16 min ago:
          Almost all scenarios
          taormina wrote 10 hours 48 min ago:
          I mean, any scenario? I'm not trying to be snarky but server-side
          Javascript has always been a weird code smell from first premise.
          Now, when to use RoR vs a lighter-weight framework like Sinatra is a
          more interesting question, but it's about what you need out of the
            verisimilidude wrote 1 hour 4 min ago:
            Server-side JS is fine, and actually very nice in some contexts.
            The language and runtime(s) have come a long way.
            But anyone who tries it without really understanding JS is
            eventually going to have a bad time. It’s important to know how
            to work with the event loop, how to properly use promises, etc.
            Server-side JS is a lot more unforgiving than front-end JS when it
            comes to these concepts.
          Glyptodon wrote 11 hours 32 min ago:
          I don't hate NextJS or anything, but I've never met a JS backend that
          I loved a whole lot compared to a conventional Rails one. They always
          turn out to be missing little details and trying to fill them in
          always like round hole square peg misalignment that just never quite
          philip1209 wrote 19 hours 54 min ago:
          I outline two in the article:
          1. One-person software project
          2. Complex enterprise app with lots of tables, like a vendor
          management system.
        usernamed7 wrote 20 hours 3 min ago:
        After all these years, rails is still my favorite framework to build
        with. Although I have become increasingly bored/frustrated with the
        front-end development in rails, which lacks a solid rails-way.
          caseyohara wrote 19 hours 44 min ago:
          > front-end development in rails, which lacks a solid rails-way.
          Hotwire/Turbo/Stimulus with import maps is the prescribed way.
          Tailwind is emerging as the preferred CSS lib.
          philip1209 wrote 19 hours 49 min ago:
          Have you checked out Hotwired? [1] This book has a good intro with
          more advanced patterns:
   URI    [1]: https://hotwired.dev
   URI    [2]: https://railsandhotwirecodex.com/
        mati365 wrote 20 hours 14 min ago:
        One of the biggest issues is that newer tools often lack Rails
        integrations. I recently built one for CKEditor - happy to share
        details if anyone's interested.
   URI  [1]: https://github.com/Mati365/ckeditor5-rails?tab=readme-ov-file
          philip1209 wrote 19 hours 50 min ago:
          This Youtube series was doing some cool things integrating TipTap,
          but never finished:
   URI    [1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWfyffFWbDI
        canadiantim wrote 20 hours 29 min ago:
        Does Django still matter too?
          JodieBenitez wrote 9 hours 53 min ago:
          pphysch wrote 19 hours 29 min ago:
          I think anything that applies to RoR applies equally to Django.
          RoR got there first, but Python is a more relevant PL with broad
          I would always recommend learning Django over RoR, unless you
          specifically want to learn a niche language.
        btown wrote 20 hours 30 min ago:
        > Rails has started to show its age amid with the current wave of
        AI-powered applications. It struggles with LLM text streaming, parallel
        processing in Ruby, and lacks strong typing for AI coding tools.
        Despite these constraints, it remains effective.
        A plug for Django + gevent in this context! You have the Python type
        system, and while it's inferior to TypeScript's in many ways, it's far
        more ubiquitous than Ruby's Sorbet. For streaming and any kind of
        IO-bound parallelism, gevent's monkey-patches cause every blocking
        operation to become a event-loop yield... so you can stream many
        concurrent responses at a time, with a simple generator. CPU-bound
        parallelism doesn't have a great story here, but that's less relevant
        for web applications - and if you're simultaneously iterating on ML
        models and a web backend, they'd likely run on separate machines
        anyways, and you can write both in Python without context-switching as
        a developer.
          jackbravo wrote 59 min ago:
          If you want something more similar to Next.JS but in the python
          world, now you have [1] , which also has a big performance benefit
          over Django. Hahaha, same as Next.JS over Rails, because it is much
          more bare bones. But I would say that fasthtml has the advantage of
          being super easy to integrate more AI libraries from the python
   URI    [1]: https://fastht.ml/
            zzzeek wrote 3 min ago:
            now that was a crazy rabbit hole
          troad wrote 13 hours 2 min ago:
          > You have the Python type system, and while it's inferior to
          TypeScript's in many ways, it's far more ubiquitous than Ruby's
          I'm a big fan of Ruby, but God I wish it had good, in-line type
          hinting. Sorbet annotations are too noisy and the whole thing feels
          very awkwardly bolted on, while RBS' use of external files make it a
            lloeki wrote 3 hours 45 min ago:
            I for one really like RBS being external files, it keeps the Ruby
            side of things uncluttered.
            When I do need types inline I believe it is the editor's job to
            show them dynamically, e.g via facilities like tooltips,
            autocompletion, or vim inlay hints and virtual text, which can
            apply to much more than just signatures near method definitions.
            Types are much more useful where the code is used than where it is
            I follow a 1:1 lib/.rb - sig/.rbs convention and have projection+
            files to jump from one to the other instantly.
            And since the syntax of RBS is so close to Ruby I found myself
            accidentally writing things type-first then using that as a
            template to write the actual code.
            Of note, if you crawl soutaro's repo (author of steep) you'll find
            a prototype of inline RBS.
            + used by vim projectionist and vscode projection extension
            sankha93 wrote 12 hours 32 min ago:
            Do you mean Ruby lacks syntactic support for adding type
            annotations inline in your programs?
            I am one of the authors of RDL ( [1] ) a research project that
            looked at type systems for Ruby before it became mainstream. We
            went for strings that looked nice, but were parsed into a type
            signature. Sorbet, on the other hand, uses Ruby values in a DSL to
            define types. We were of the impression that many of our core ideas
            were absorbed by other projects and Sorbet and RBS has pretty much
            mainstream. What is missing to get usable gradual types in Ruby?
   URI      [1]: https://github.com/tupl-tufts/rdl
              pmontra wrote 3 hours 23 min ago:
              None of my customers ever asked for type definitions in Ruby (nor
              in Python.) I'm pretty happy of the choice of hiding types under
              the carpet of a separate file. I think they made it deliberately
              because Ruby's core team didn't like type definitions but had to
              cave to the recent fashion. It will swing back but I think that
              this is a slow pendulum. Talking about myself I picked Ruby 20
              years ago exactly because I didn't have to type types so I'm not
              a fan of the projects you are working at, but I don't even oppose
              them. I just wish I'm never forced to define types.
              troad wrote 12 hours 6 min ago:
              My point isn't technical per se, my point is more about the UX of
              actually trying to use gradual typing in a flesh and blood Ruby
              Sorbet type annotations are noisy, verbose, and are much less
              easy to parse at a glance than an equivalent typesig in other
              languages. Sorbet itself feels... hefty. Incorporating Sorbet in
              an existing project seems like a substantial investment. RBS
              files are nuts from a DRY perspective, and generating them from
              e.g. RDoc is a second rate experience.
              More broadly, the extensive use of runtime metaprogramming in
              Ruby gems severely limits static analysis in practice, and there
              seems to be a strong cultural resistance to gradual typing even
              where it would be possible and make sense, which I would - at
              least in part - attribute to the cumbersome UX of RBS/Sorbet, cf.
              something like Python's gradual typing.
              Gradual typing isn't technically impossible in Ruby, it just
              feels... unwelcome.
          cess11 wrote 19 hours 49 min ago:
          Just move to Elixir. Phoenix is Rails-like enough and the platform is
          excellent for parallelisation, clustering in specific hardware and so
            paradox460 wrote 13 hours 51 min ago:
            And the switch is rather easy. I've been writing elixir for nearly
            10 years, rails before that, and have overseen the "conversion" of
            several engineers from one to the other.
            Generally I'd say any senior rails dev, given the right task, can
            write decent elixir code on their first day. There are a lot fewer
            foot guns in elixir and Phoenix, and so other than language
            ergonomics (a simple rule that doesn't stretch far but works at the
            beginning is use pipe instead of dot), there's minimal barriers
              troad wrote 13 hours 1 min ago:
              Honest question from someone working on a non-negligible Rails
              codebase: what would be my gains, were I to switch to Elixir?
              I've watched Elixir with much interest from afar, I even recently
              cracked open the book on it, but I feel like my biggest pain
              points with Ruby are performance and lack of gradual typing (and
              consequent lack of static analysis, painful refactoring, etc),
              and it doesn't really seem like Elixir has much to offer on
              those. What does Elixir solve, that Ruby struggles on?
                ricketycricket wrote 12 hours 14 min ago:
                Performance of what, exactly? Hard to beat the concurrency
                model and performance under load of elixir.
                Elixir is gaining set theoretic type system, so you are showing
                up at the right time.
   URI          [1]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/main/gradual-set-theoretic-t...
                  troad wrote 11 hours 45 min ago:
                  > Performance of what, exactly? Hard to beat the concurrency
                  model and performance under load of elixir.
                  The performance of my crummy web apps. My understanding is
                  that even something like ASP.NET or Spring is significantly
                  more performant than either Rails or Phoenix, but I'd be very
                  happy to be corrected if this isn't the case.
                  I appreciate the BEAM and its actor model are well adapted to
                  be resilient under load, which is awesome. But if that load
                  is substantially greater than it would be with an alternative
                  stack, that seems like it mitigates the concurrency
                  advantage. I genuinely don't know, though, which is why I'm
                  > Elixir is gaining set theoretic type system, so you are
                  showing up at the right time. [1] ...
                  Neat! Seems clever. Looks like it's very early days, though.
   URI            [1]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/main/gradual-set-theoretic...
                    pythonaut_16 wrote 1 hour 55 min ago:
                    Some of the big performance wins don’t come from the raw
                    compute speed of Erlang/Elixir.
                    Phoenix has significantly faster templates than Rails by
                    compiling templates and leveraging Erlang's IO Lists. So
                    you will basically never think about caching a template in
                    Most of the Phoenix “magic” is just code/configuration
                    in your app and gets resolved at compile time, unlike Rails
                    with layers and layers of objects to resolve at every call.
                    Generally Phoenix requires way less RAM than Rails and can
                    serve like orders of magnitude more users on the same
                    hardware compared to rails.
                    The core Elixir and Phoenix libraries are polished and
                    quite good, but the ecosystem overall is pretty far behind
                    Rails in terms of maturity. It’s manageable but you’ll
                    end up doing more things yourself. For things like API
                    wrappers that can actually be an advantage but others
                    it’s just annoying.
                    ASP.NET and Springboot seem to only have theoretical
                    performance, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it in
                    practice. Rust and Go are better contenders IMO.
                    My general experience is Phoenix is way faster than Rails
                    and most similar backends and has good to great developer
                    experience. (But not quite excellent yet)
                    Go might be another option worth considering if you’re
                    open to Java and C#
                    goosejuice wrote 10 hours 27 min ago:
                    There's three reasons to choose elixir or perhaps any
                    The community and it's values, because you enjoy it,
                    because the technology fits your use case. Most web apps
                    fit. 1 and 2 are personal and I'd take a 25% pay cut to not
                    spend my days in ASP or Spring, no offense to those who
                    enjoy it.
            seneca wrote 18 hours 26 min ago:
            I personally think Elixir is a great language, but the jump from
            ruby to functional programming is big enough that I'm not sure it's
            useful general advice.
              vlunkr wrote 17 hours 35 min ago:
              Also, the size of the elixir community and the libraries
              available is completely dwarfed by rails. Elixir, Phoenix, all
              the core stuff is really high quality, but in many cases you
              might doing more work that you could have just pulled from a gem
              in Ruby. It's unfortunate IMO. It's an underrated language.
                pythonaut_16 wrote 1 hour 51 min ago:
                Very much this.
                I think the community tends to overestimate the ecosystem’s
                maturity which is one of the big things holding it back, both
                because it blinds the community to areas that need improvement
                and leads to bigger shocks when newcomers do unexpectedly run
                into the rough edges.
            arrowsmith wrote 19 hours 2 min ago:
            And if you want to make the move, I know a great resource:
   URI      [1]: http://PhoenixOnRails.com
            freedomben wrote 19 hours 21 min ago:
            Normally "switch languages" isn't great advice, but in this case I
            think it's worth considering.  I have heard people coming from
            Django and Rails background describe Elixir as "a love child
            between python and ruby".  Personally I love it
              aragilar wrote 15 hours 9 min ago:
              But does Elixir come with a whole scientific computing ecosystem?
                grncdr wrote 5 hours 57 min ago:
                To add to what others mentioned, there’s also [1] which
                embeds a Python interpreter into your elixir program.
   URI          [1]: https://github.com/livebook-dev/pythonx
                goosejuice wrote 10 hours 25 min ago:
                Must your statistical computing ecosystem comingle with your
                web interface?
                  aragilar wrote 5 hours 9 min ago:
                  You can split it off and have your Python code be an API you
                  call, but now you have at least two languages involved
                  (Python+Elixir, plus JS somewhere, plus the possible mix of
                  C/C++/Fortran/Rust(maybe?)). Given Ruby on Rails was
                  mentioned, just using Django seems similarly like the least
                  risky thing to do (this all assumes you are doing numerical
                  stuff, not just a standard CRUD app).
                the_gastropod wrote 13 hours 42 min ago:
                I'm not super tuned into the scientific computing ecosystem, so
                not sure if this is what you mean. But maybe? Elixir's
                Numerical Elixir projects seem very relevant for scientific
                computing. Check 'em out: [1] Edit: Hah! aloha2436 beat me to
                the answer. Sorry for the repetition.
   URI          [1]: https://github.com/elixir-nx
                aloha2436 wrote 13 hours 47 min ago:
                Not to the same degree that Python does (then again no other
                general-purpose language does!), but it does have the start of
                one and it's fairly cohesive.
   URI          [1]: https://github.com/elixir-nx
                  aragilar wrote 5 hours 17 min ago:
                  Fortran? R? C? C++? Even Java may occasionally make a good
                  showing here (depending on what you are doing).
                  Having seen... things... unless it's written by people with
                  the right skillset (and with funding and the right
                  environment), that it exists doesn't mean you should use it
                  (and the phrase "it's a trap" comes to mind sadly). [1]
                  applies (and note I still wouldn't call Julia mainstream
                  yet), so while I'm not saying people shouldn't try, the
                  phrase "don't roll your own crypto" applies just as much to
                  the numeric and scientific computing fields.
   URI            [1]: https://scicomp.stackexchange.com/a/10923/1437
          simonw wrote 20 hours 26 min ago:
          Django shouldn't even require gevent - Django's ASGI support has been
          baking for a few releases now and supports async views which should
          be well suited to proxying streams from LLMs etc.
          - [1] - [2] (Reminds me I should try that out properly myself.)
   URI    [1]: https://fly.io/django-beats/running-tasks-concurrently-in-dj...
   URI    [2]: https://blog.pecar.me/django-streaming-responses
            pphysch wrote 19 hours 42 min ago:
            then you have to rewrite your whole app to use asyncio keywords and
            colored ORM methods. A gevent monkey patch, or eventually nogil
            concurrency makes a lot more practical sense.
              simonw wrote 18 hours 23 min ago:
              You don't have to rewrite your whole app - you can continue using
              the regular stuff in synchronous view functions, then have a few
              small async views for your LLM streaming pieces.
              I've never quite gotten comfortable with gevent patches, but
              that's more because I don't personally understand them or what
              their edge cases might be than a commentary on their reliability.
        cjk wrote 20 hours 35 min ago:
        In an era of microservices-and-k8s-all-the-things, Rails monoliths are
        a breath of fresh air. For stuff that's really performance- or
        latency-sensitive, tacking on a satellite service in Go or Rust works
        mbell wrote 20 hours 38 min ago:
        > Rails has started to show its age amid with the current wave of
        AI-powered applications. It struggles with LLM text streaming, parallel
        processing in Ruby
        Not at all my experience, actually it was incredibly easy to get this
        working smoothly with hotwire and no javascript at all (outside the
        hotwire lib).
        We have a Rails app with thousands of users streaming agentic chat
        interfaces, we've had no issues at all with this aspect of things.
          x0x0 wrote 18 hours 28 min ago:
          I've done all of the above in Hotwire.    It really is a fantastic
          I'd rate it as about 90%-ish of what react gives you at 5-10% of the
          development effort.  React sites can definitely be nicer, but they
          are so much more work.
            jkestner wrote 1 hour 34 min ago:
            I wonder how it compares to Svelte for people. I weighed both but
            Svelte didn’t require me to learn Ruby (as much as I’m sure
            I’d enjoy it).
              theonething wrote 1 hour 14 min ago:
              > but Svelte didn’t require me to learn Ruby
              You can use HotWire with any language/framework you want.
            adamtaylor_13 wrote 1 hour 49 min ago:
            This has been my experience as well. Hotwire is actually a more
            pleasant experience than React.
            React is a good choice if you’ve got a huge dev team that can
            split things into components and independently work on things but
            otherwise React is so full of footguns that it’s almost comical
            that people choose it for anything other than bloated VC projects.
          pmdr wrote 20 hours 28 min ago:
          Agree. What Rails actually lacks is thousands of ready-made
          boilerplates that everyone and their grandma can use to spin a chat
          interface. Any programmer worth his salt should be able to write his
            infamouscow wrote 19 hours 3 min ago:
            The real problem is programmers that understand how a computer
            works end-to-end is becoming increasingly rare, and possibly
            accelerated by the adoption of LLMs.
            A lot of them prefer to write Ruby because it is simply the most
            beautiful language they know of. Technical details are merely a
            formality expressed in code that borders art.
            I was under the impression the industry was collectively moving in
            that direction, but then bootcamps ushered in a new era of midwit
            frontend developers hell bent on reinventing the wheel from scratch
        Glyptodon wrote 20 hours 40 min ago:
        TBH I've started to like the GraphQL ruby layer in Rails projects as it
        creates a pretty clean boundary that works well with boilerplate and is
        more standardized than REST APIs.
        And I find that the "convention based" approach lends itself well to
        having AI write stuff for you.
        gatinsama wrote 20 hours 50 min ago:
        I am using Django and I do understand the sentiment.
        But everything old is new again.
        Today there is better tooling than ever for these tools. I am using
        Django with htmx + alpine.js and sending HTML instead of JSON. Breaking
        free from JSON REST APIs is a huge productivity boost.
          Mystery-Machine wrote 17 hours 54 min ago:
          I feel for you. I'm a Rails developer and I recently joined a Django
          project... Django feels so far behind Rails... But everyone has their
          own preference and opinion...
            gatinsama wrote 7 hours 15 min ago:
            What in particular? Never tried Rails so I want to know what I'm
          rubenvanwyk wrote 20 hours 35 min ago:
          Also wanted to mention Django & Python because Python is evidently
          doing even better in the age of AI and building back-end heavy ML
          apps with it is much than in Javascript land.
        luketheobscure wrote 21 hours 15 min ago:
        This is an unfortunate comparison. I actually chose Next.js because of
        its similarity to Rails - it's a batteries included, opinionated
        framework that favors convention over configuration (though it's not
        sold that way since these are not the currently trending buzzwords).
        There's absolutely nothing preventing you from using both tools. Rails
        works great as an API supporting a Next.js UI.
          pier25 wrote 20 hours 20 min ago:
          Next is definitely not "batteries included". It solves close to
          nothing on the backend (like all fullstack JS frameworks).
            rglover wrote 17 hours 20 min ago:
            Well, not all of them [1].
            DB access (drivers are automatically started, connected, and wired
            for use), queues, cron jobs, websockets, uploads, API helpers,
            simple routing, caches, indexes...
            It gets ignored, but there are (sane) options. I'm quite proud of
            the APIs, too. Easy to learn, tidy, and everything just works.
   URI      [1]: https://cheatcode.co/joystick
              pier25 wrote 14 hours 53 min ago:
              Ok, you're right.
              I was referring to the usual ones (Next, Nuxt, SvelteKit, Remix,
              Joytick looks cool. Besides this there's also NestJS
   URI        [1]: https://nestjs.com/
          rohan_ wrote 21 hours 3 min ago:
          wouldn't using the nextjs backend / server components be far simpler
          and and streamlined
          caiohsramos wrote 21 hours 6 min ago:
          I'd say Next.js is the opposite of a "batteries included" framework.
          No abstractions for ORM, background jobs, sending emails, managing
          attachments, web socket communication - all very basic stuff when
          dealing with a production application.
            luketheobscure wrote 20 hours 50 min ago:
            It is a batteries included _front end_ framework. You don't need to
            worry about compiling, routing, code splitting, etc. Most of the
            things you described should be handled by the back end service
              kelvinjps10 wrote 14 hours 31 min ago:
              The back-end service being vercel, and its propietary offerings
              Mystery-Machine wrote 17 hours 52 min ago:
              Next.js doesn't even have authorization. What does it have?
              Server-side rendering? Cool.
                whstl wrote 23 min ago:
                Hey, let's be fair here: Rails also doesn't have built-in
                authorization. You need something like Pundit or CanCanCan if
                you don't want to built it yourself.
                Also Rails only recently got authentication. For more than a
                decade you needed Devise or something else.
                pcthrowaway wrote 16 hours 40 min ago:
                I mean it has a router (2 actually), and NextAuth seems to be
                becoming something of a standard for many Next devs.
                Meanwhile.. last I checked you still had to choose how you were
                going to roll your own auth in rails. Are people not often just
                installing bcrypt and adding a users table with their password
                hash? Or is there a generator for all that now?
                Anyway, I disagree with the idea that Next is Rails-like.
                Adonis is probably still the closest in the JS/node ecosystem,
                though Redwood might also serve a similar niche for the types
                of apps it works for.
                Next and the other "frontend metaframeworks" (as they're called
                now), are certainly much closer than the most popular choices 7
                or 8 years ago (often cobbling together React and Express and
                an ORM like Prisma, making a bunch of other decisions, and then
                doing a bunch of the integration work by hand)
                  heidarb wrote 9 hours 22 min ago:
                  Devise has made it easy to add auth to rails apps for many
                  years now. More recently there is also the built in auth
                    pcthrowaway wrote 1 hour 4 min ago:
                    Right, so Devise seems like for rails it's what NextAuth is
                    for Next? Though I don't know if there's anything
                    equivalent to rails' code generation yet.
              caiohsramos wrote 20 hours 36 min ago:
              >It is a batteries included _front end_ framework.
              From the first page of Next.js docs: "Next.js is a React
              framework for building full-stack web applications"
              > You don't need to worry about compiling, routing, code
              splitting, etc
              IMO that's the least you'd expect from a web framework.
            Onavo wrote 20 hours 53 min ago:
            All these features are stateful or realtime. In a cloud/serverless
            world, they are all separate managed services ("compute/storage
            separation"). That's the trade-off of Next.js, greater productivity
            by standing on top of more hosted dependencies. Theoretically
            unlimited (within datacenter limits) scaling, bottlenecked only by
            your credit card.
            sankumsek wrote 21 hours 3 min ago:
            Do you have a suggestion for a more Rails-esque framework (maybe
              Lio wrote 20 hours 2 min ago:
              By all means use Django if you specifically want to work in
              python but otherwise if you really want a Rails-esque framework
              why not just use full stack Rails?
              You get much out of the box with Rails 8 now like deployment,
              caching, job queue, Hotwire, Turbo Frames and mobile.
              graypegg wrote 20 hours 38 min ago:
              If we were keeping in the JS ecosystem, there’s Redwood [0]
              which has been around a while*.
              [0] [1] * not comparable to Rails or Django’s definition of
              “a while” but it’s quite mature.
   URI        [1]: https://redwoodjs.com/
        amazingamazing wrote 21 hours 19 min ago:
        It’s interesting to see how convention over configuration had its
        hay-day in the 2010s. Angular, EmberJS, Django, and Rails were very,
        very popular. Now, the new type of modern stack, e.g. React/NextJS with
        bespoke backends consisting of things like NodeJS spaghetti with
        express seem to have a lot of traction.
        I base the above assertion mainly on looking at Who’s Hiring posts
        sidenote - is NextJS really the best “convention over
        configuration” approach for react? I’d love to just use ember, but
        most of the community has moved to react, but I really enjoy the
        opinionated approach
          jay-barronville wrote 13 hours 27 min ago:
          > sidenote - is NextJS really the best “convention over
          configuration” approach for react? I’d love to just use ember,
          but most of the community has moved to react, but I really enjoy the
          opinionated approach
          You might like Remix [0] (I do).
   URI    [1]: https://remix.run
        Alifatisk wrote 21 hours 27 min ago:
        RoR is a beast, it has its place. The issue we have today is that
        everything is to fast paced, so fast that people feel the need to
        follow the latest and greatest, or they will be left behind.
        This has (in my opinion) lead to a false sense that if something is not
        hyped as often, then its not used either.
          artursapek wrote 1 hour 58 min ago:
          Nah, RoR failed because nobody wants to write code in an untyped,
          monkey-patch-friendly language anymore.
            Alifatisk wrote 1 hour 45 min ago:
            I don't really know if I would agree on saying that RoR failed,
            from recent my experiences, it's still a sought after tool for
            I do share your opinion on the untyped part, it's a bit of a bummer
            but there are gems to Ruby that helps with that.
            Regarding the monkey patches, it's a concern many have and because
            of that, there is now a cleaner way of doing it! It's called a
            refinement. It's like monkey patching but in a more controlled way
            where you don't affect the global namespace.
   URI      [1]: https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/syntax/refinements_rd...
          quest88 wrote 13 hours 58 min ago:
          Heh, maybe us engineers need to be better disciplined about what
          "greatest" is.
            aryehof wrote 9 hours 59 min ago:
            > maybe us engineers
            I’ve started qualifying such statements… “you mean a real
            engineer or just a software developer?
              Alifatisk wrote 1 hour 50 min ago:
              You mean that CSS engineers is not a true title!?
          inanepenguin wrote 21 hours 21 min ago:
          What do you mean "left behind"? Are you saying people will actually
          gt "left behind" or just that people will _feel_ like they're left
          At this poitn you can find tools that can make demos easier to build
          or get you further in a hackathon, but Rails embodies "Slow is steady
          and steady is fast." If you're trying to build something that will
          stick around and can grow (like a startup outside of the latest VC
          crazes) then Rails will arguably do better at keeping your tools
          relevant and supported in the long run. That is, assuming you're
          building something that needs a steady backend for your application.
            cultofmetatron wrote 20 hours 10 min ago:
            > At this point you can find tools that can make demos easier to
            build or get you further in a hackathon.
            I don't understand this at all. ruby on rails is probably peak
            technology for getting something up an running fast at a hackathon.
            its a very streamlined experince with a ton of drop in plugins for
            getting to the product part of the mvp. Maintaining a ruby app is a
            nightmare overtime. At least it was 5 years ago the last time I
            worked fulltime in a startup using ruby on rails.
            These days I use elixir. its higher performance and reasonably fast
            to write in but I woudln't say its as productive as ruby on rails
            if you're competing in a hackathon.
              sosborn wrote 10 hours 26 min ago:
              Maintenance nightmares are a product of organizational culture,
              not any particular framework.
                nickserv wrote 6 hours 45 min ago:
                The language encourages metaprogramming, and disencourages
                typing. This makes maintenance much more complicated when
                compared to other languages such as Python, typescript or PHP.
                procaryote wrote 8 hours 3 min ago:
                Any language can get you a maintenance nightmare, but a lack of
                types and a monolith will get you there faster.
                Nothing in ruby forces you to make it a monolith of course, but
                the lack of types hurts
            Alifatisk wrote 21 hours 7 min ago:
            > What do you mean "left behind"? Are you saying people will
            actually get "left behind" or just that people will _feel_ like
            they're left behind?
        hrdwdmrbl wrote 21 hours 51 min ago:
        Just because of job availability, I've been a JS (Node, React, Next,
        etc.) dev for almost a decade now. I still feel much more productive
        with Rails.
        Rails isn't the right tool for every job, but I find that it's the
        right tool more often than not.
        Rails is architected really well. Many decisions don't need to be made
        at all, and everything has a place. Plus, it's very friendly to
        extensibility and has a healthy ecosystem. It's mostly about the code
        that I don't need to write. It's really years beyond most other
        frameworks. Next will get there, but it will take it another 5 years.
        No shade on others, but Rails is just well built software with many
        years of learning and improving.
        For highly reactive or "dynamic" systems, it probably isn't the right
        tool. Building a Figma or Notion. As @graypegg said in their comment,
        most websites work best as "CRUD forms". Though I would have said the
        same about email, but Hey.com exists so YMMV...
        Axsuul wrote 21 hours 52 min ago:
        Any thoughts on Inertia.js, which seems like a good solution for React
        + Rails? Feels like you can have your cake and eat it too.
   URI  [1]: https://github.com/inertiajs/inertia-rails
          phaedryx wrote 20 hours 26 min ago:
          This looks interesting. I think I'll try it out over the weekend.
          Thanks for sharing.
          inanepenguin wrote 21 hours 26 min ago:
          This looks fairly lightweight and clean, but you immediately replace
          a large portion of the Rails ecosystem with React and will constantly
          need to account for that when deciding how to build your application.
          By sticking closer to "the Rails way" you get the support of it's
          massive community.
          If Intertia.js development halts, then you're stuck with either a)
          adopting something else, or b) maintaining the tool for your own use
          cases. Using something like this would, imo, be closer to building a
          Rails app in API mode with a separated frontend than adding a new
          library on top of Rails.
          choxi wrote 21 hours 32 min ago:
          If you just want React+Rails, the rails generator command comes with
          a bunch of options to set that up for you, including setting up and
          configuring: React/Vue/etc, a bundler like vite, typescript,
          It looks like inertia has additional features though.
            winterbloom wrote 3 hours 59 min ago:
            im not aware of the generator supporting all that
            here's what I get
            `Possible values: importmap, bun, webpack, esbuild, rollup`
            x0x0 wrote 18 hours 26 min ago:
            inertia, I think, avoids writing an api to bridge rails/react
        andrewstuart wrote 21 hours 56 min ago:
        “Your grandpas vinyl records” as analogy for Ruby on Rails.
        Love it.
        philip1209 wrote 21 hours 58 min ago:
        For the hundreds of people reading this article right now - you might
        be amused to know that you're accessing it from a mac mini on my desk:
        [1] (The CPU load from this is pretty negligible).
   URI  [1]: https://www.contraption.co/a-mini-data-center/
          raitom wrote 36 min ago:
          What kind of Mac mini do you use (cpu and ram)? I’m really
          interested in making the same thing but I’m not sure if the base M4
          mini is enough with just 16gb of ram.
          mattgreenrocks wrote 3 hours 39 min ago:
          Love all the projects you have going. Do you use a template for the
          landing pages? Or DIY? They look great!
          renegade-otter wrote 6 hours 42 min ago:
          Hosting from home is fun, I guess, but it actually was a money-saving
          exercise before the cloud. I've done it.
          Now, however, what is the point? To learn server config? I am running
          my blog with GitHub pages. A couple of posts made it to the top of
          HN, and I never had to worry.
          Always bewilders me when some sites here go down under load. I mean,
          where are they hosting it that a static page in 2020s has performance
          dakiol wrote 6 hours 49 min ago:
          How much does it cost to keep the mac mini on for a month? I’ve
          been thinking doing the same.
          psnehanshu wrote 9 hours 33 min ago:
          I see you're serving a GTS certificate. Does GCP allow you to
          download TLS certificates? I honestly didn't know. I thought just
          like AWS, you get them only when using their services like load
          balancers, app runners etc.
            yla92 wrote 8 hours 48 min ago:
            Not OP but the site sits behind Cloudflare and Cloudflare uses
            Google Trust GTS and LetsEncrypt for Edge certificates.
   URI      [1]: https://developers.cloudflare.com/ssl/reference/certificat...
          fsndz wrote 9 hours 59 min ago:
          the article is AI-generated isn't it ?
            philip1209 wrote 9 hours 35 min ago:
              fsndz wrote 8 hours 55 min ago:
              Lol, by just reading I knew it was. Then I used an AI detection
              tool and it says 100% sure it is AI-generated. You know how hard
              it is to get 100% sure it is AI-generated ?
                tim333 wrote 2 hours 56 min ago:
                You can kind of tell it's not AI when it gets beyond the
                generic stuff and on to say
                >Today I'm working on Chroma Cloud, designed for exploring and
                managing large datasets, and Next.js powers its advanced
                interactions and data loading requirements.
                which is unlikely to have been written by an LLM.
                  fsndz wrote 2 hours 15 min ago:
                  you can inject personal stuff to make it feel original, but
                  huge chunks are still AI-generated. Just get the first 4/5
                  paragraphs and paste in gptzero
                    tim333 wrote 1 hour 36 min ago:
                    Well on the one hand you have gptzero saying it's in the
                    style of AI which I don't count as reliable and on the
                    other you have the author saying it's not which I weight
                    And it mostly makes too much sense apart from "most drivers
                    don't know how many gears their car has" which has me
                    thinking huh? It's usually written on the shifter.
                berdario wrote 5 hours 1 min ago:
                Most "AI detection tools" are just the equivalent of a Magic 8
                In fact, most of them are just implemented by feeding an LLM
                the text, and asking "is it AI generated?". You cannot trust
                that answer any more than any other LLM hallucination. LLMs
                don't have a magic ability to recognise their own output.
                Even if your "detection tool" was using exactly the same model,
                at the same exact version... unless the generation was done
                with 0 temperature, you just wouldn't be able to confirm that
                the tool would actually generate the same text that you suspect
                of being LLM-generated. And even then, you'd need to know
                exactly the input tokens (including the prompt) used.
                Currently, the only solution is watermarking, like what
                Deepmind created: [1] but even that, it requires cooperation
                from all the LLM vendors. There's always going to be one (maybe
                self-hosted) LLM out there which won't play ball.
                If you're going to accuse someone of pushing LLM-generated
                content, don't hide behind "computer said so", not without
                clearly qualifying what kind of detection technique and which
                "detection tool" you used.
   URI          [1]: https://deepmind.google/discover/blog/watermarking-ai-...
                  fsndz wrote 2 hours 11 min ago:
                  I am starting to believe this is a lie spread by AI companies
                  because if AI-slop starts to be detected at scale, it kills
                  their primary use case.
                  True, AI detection tools are not perfect, like any
                  classification algo, they don't have a 100% accuracy. But it
                  does not mean they are useless. They give useful
                  probabilities. If AI detectors are so wrong, how do you
                  explain that passing AI generated text on gptzero and it gets
                  it all the time, same when I pass human written content it
                  recognises it as such almost 99% of the time.
                    titmouse wrote 46 min ago:
                    It's the false positives that make it useless.    Even if
                    it's generally very good at detecting AI, the fact that it
                    can and does throw false positives (and pretty frequently)
                    means that nothing it says means anything.
          AlchemistCamp wrote 12 hours 53 min ago:
          A mac mini is pretty beefy for hosting a blog!
          I’ve had a number of database-driven sites hosted on $5/month VPS
          that have been on the front page here with minimal cpu or memory
            philip1209 wrote 11 hours 0 min ago:
            It's hosting a variety of apps - blog (Ghost), plausible analytics,
            metabase, and soon 3 Rails apps. It's unfortunately running
            Postgres, MySQL, and Clickhouse.
          adamtaylor_13 wrote 12 hours 57 min ago:
          I actually read that blog post too last week (or the week before?)
          and I’m genuinely considering this.
          Render is crazy expensive for blog sites and hobby apps.
            shadowangel wrote 10 hours 34 min ago:
            I was using an old Samsung s8, with a USBc ethernet adaptor it was
            more then capable serving allot of requests.
            philip1209 wrote 10 hours 58 min ago:
            Here's the core scripts I use for the mac mini. They're a bit raw,
            but hopefully useful:
   URI      [1]: https://gist.github.com/philipithomas/ed57890dc2f928658d2c...
          aurareturn wrote 13 hours 48 min ago:
          That's amazing. Mac Mini is very efficient and is a great little home
          server. Idles at 3-4w total for the entire machine. Plus, the M4 is a
          beast of a CPU. It might even be possible to serve a small LLM model
          like a 3b model on it over the internet.
            philip1209 wrote 13 hours 41 min ago:
            Yeah, the mac minis can have up to 64GB of ram which would support
            some usable models. However, I accidentally got one with 24gb of
            ram, and my apps already use 12gbs. So, perhaps I'll get a second
            box just for LLMs!
              aurareturn wrote 13 hours 35 min ago:
              A small model like 1B or 3B should be ok with 16GB. I was
              thinking in the name of savings, you can just use the same
              It's a cool project. I might do it too. I have an M4 Mini sitting
              on my desk that I got for $550.
          boogieup wrote 13 hours 50 min ago:
          That makes sense, because serving a web page to a few hundred people
          is not a computationally expensive problem. :3
            philip1209 wrote 13 hours 38 min ago:
            I self-host analytics on the box (Plausible), which is using more
            resources than the website. There are a few apps on there, too.
              ekianjo wrote 10 hours 37 min ago:
              Plausible is hardy compute intensive
          your_challenger wrote 13 hours 58 min ago:
          Is cloudflare tunnels really this free to support thousands of
          internet requests?
          I run a windows server at my office where we connect to it using RDP
          from multiple locations. If I could instead buy the hardware and use
          cloudflare tunnels to let my team RDP to it then it would save me a
          lot of money. I could recoup my hardware cost in less than a year.
          Would this be possible?
          (I wouldn't mind paying for cloudflare tunnels / zero trust. It just
          should be much smaller than the monthly payment I make to Microsoft)
            philip1209 wrote 13 hours 39 min ago:
            Yup. Cloudflare's typical proxy already handles massive amounts of
            traffic, so I expect that the marginal cost of this reverse proxy
            isn't that high.
            I do think Cloudflare has proven itself to be very
            developer/indie-friendly. One of the only tech unicorns that really
            doesn't impose its morality on customers.
            nemothekid wrote 13 hours 50 min ago:
            I used Cloudflare Tunnels for a project that had hundreds of
            tunnels did roughly 10GB/day of traffic entirely for free. The
            project has since moved to Cloudflare Enterprise, where the project
            pays the opposite of free, but was completely expected as the
            project grew.
            I'm pretty sure Tunnels supports RDP and if you don't use a ton of
            bandwidth (probably under a 1TB/mo), Cloudflare probably won't
            bother you.
          bmelton wrote 14 hours 17 min ago:
          I've been thinking about that article for the past week so much that
          I've been looking at $250 Ryzen 7 5700U 16/512/2.5G Ace Magician NUCs
          to move some of my properties to. They're known to be shipping
          spyware on their Windows machines, but my thought was that I'd get 3
          of them, clear them out with Debian, and set them up as a k8s cluster
          and have enough horsepower to handle postgres at scale.
            ww520 wrote 13 hours 57 min ago:
            Get NUC, or one of those refurbished Dell or HP mini PCs.  They
            have plenty of CPU power, consume very little idle power, and
            friendly to Linux.
              xp84 wrote 10 hours 43 min ago:
              I have been wildly happy with my EliteDesk mini pcs. Mine are the
              “G5” generation which cost like $60-150 on eBay with varying
              specs, obviously newer generations have better specs but for my
              “homelab” needs these have been great. I even put a discrete
              GPU ($60) in my AMD one for a great little Minecraft machine for
              playing with the kid.
                beAbU wrote 7 hours 59 min ago:
                I have a g5 elitedesk small form factor (about the size of a
                largr cereal box, not a book) pc, thats been runnimg my by
                media server and torrent download services for years now. It
                has a plucky little 10th gen i3 or something, and it has been
                more than enough. Can real time transcode 4K movies! Dead quiet
                and sips electricity. Uptime is on average about 8-10 months.
            philip1209 wrote 14 hours 16 min ago:
            Glad it resonated with you!
            If you're considering k8s, take a look at Kamal (also from DHH):
            [1] I think it makes more sense for small clusters.
   URI      [1]: https://kamal-deploy.org/
              bmelton wrote 3 hours 34 min ago:
              It probably does! Kamal/MRSK has been on the roadmap for awhile.
              I have deliberately endeavored to keep the existing k8s setup as
              minimal as possible, and it's still grown to almost unruly. That
              said, it works well enough across the (surprisingly power
              efficient) Dell C1100s in the basement, so it'd take a migration
              to justify, which is of course the last thing you can justify
              this with.
          peterhunt wrote 21 hours 6 min ago:
          Now do it without Cloudflare :)
            mmcnl wrote 18 hours 23 min ago:
            I wrote a blog post that generated a lot of traffic on HackerNews
            last year when it briefly was on #1 here. My blog was (and still
            is) hosted on a 9-year old Dell Latitude E7250 with Intel Core
            i5-6300U processor. The server held up fine with ~350 concurrent
            readers at its peak. It was actually my fiber router that had
            trouble keeping up. But even though things got a bit slow, it held
            up fine, without Cloudflare or anything fancy.
            dingi wrote 20 hours 20 min ago:
            Been using a setup following this for quite a while. Nginx reverse
            proxy on a cheap VPS with a wireguard tunnel to home.
            Eikon wrote 20 hours 54 min ago:
            Trivial, even for a high traffic website to be served from a fiber
              alabastervlog wrote 16 hours 31 min ago:
              Computers are stupid good at serving files over http.
              I’ve served (much) greater-than-HN traffic from a machine
              probably weaker than that mini. A good bit of it dynamic. You
              just gotta let actual web servers (apache2 in that case) serve
              real files as much as possible, and use memory cache to keep db
              load under control.
              I’m not even that good. Sites fall over largely because nobody
              even tried to make them efficient.
                xp84 wrote 10 hours 36 min ago:
                I’m reminded of a site I was called in to help rescue during
                the pandemic. It was a site that was getting a lot higher
                traffic (maybe 2-3x) than they were used to, a Rails app on
                Heroku. These guys were forced to upgrade to the highest
                postgres that Heroku offered - which was either $5k or $10k a
                month, I forget - for not that many concurrent users. Turns out
                that just hitting a random piece of content page (a GET)
                triggered so many writes that it was just overwhelming the DB
                when they got that much traffic. They were smart developers
                too, just nobody ever told them that a very cacheable GET on a
                resource shouldn’t have blocking activities other than
                what’s needed, or trigger any high-priority DB writes.
                boogieup wrote 13 hours 48 min ago:
                And nobody knows how stuff works at the web server level
                anymore... The C10K problem was solved a long time ago. Now
                it's just embarrassing.
              philip1209 wrote 18 hours 53 min ago:
              If only my part of SF had fiber service. #1 city for tech, but I
              still have to rely on Comcast.
                Eikon wrote 18 hours 47 min ago:
                Sounds weird to read that from Western Europe where even the
                most rural places have fiber!
                I understand that the USA is big, but no fiber in SF?
                  deaddodo wrote 1 hour 37 min ago:
                  In the US, it’s not about money or demand. The more
                  entrenched cities (especially in California, for some
                  historic reasons/legislation) tend to have a much more
                  difficult time getting fiber installed. It all comes down to
                  bureaucracy and NIMBYism.
                  xp84 wrote 10 hours 32 min ago:
                  SF is mostly served by AT&T, who abandoned any pretense of
                  upgrading their decrepit copper 20 years ago, and Comcast,
                  whose motto is “whatcha gonna do, go get DSL?”
                  AT&T has put fiber out in little patches, but only in deals
                  with a guaranteed immediate ROI, so it would mean brand new
                  buildings, where they know everyone will sign up, or deals
                  like my old apartment, where they got their service included
                  in the HOA fee, so 100% adoption rate guaranteed! AT&T loves
                  not competing for business.
                  Sure, others have been able to painstakingly roll out fiber
                  in some places, but it costs millions of dollars to string
                  fiber on each street and to get it to buildings.
                    unclebucknasty wrote 8 hours 52 min ago:
                    Lived in an older neighborhood in Georgia a couple years
                    back. A new neighborhood across the street had it (AT&T),
                    but we didn't.
                    Caught an AT&T tech in the field one day, and he claimed
                    that if 8 (or 10—memory's a little fuzzy) people in the
                    neighborhood requested it, they'd bring it in.
                    I never did test it, but thought it interesting that they'd
                    do it for that low a number. Of course, it may have been
                    because it was already in the area.
                    Still, may be worth the ask for those who don't already
                    have it.
                  ekianjo wrote 10 hours 38 min ago:
                  > where even the most rural places have fiber!
                  No need for the hyperbole. I know for a fact that you don't
                  get fiber in the remote countryside of France
                  fragmede wrote 16 hours 34 min ago:
                   [1] has a detailed map, by provider, if you wanna dig into
                  the gory details, but there is fiber, just not everywhere.
   URI            [1]: https://bestneighborhood.org/fiber-tv-and-internet-s...
                  jnathsf wrote 16 hours 36 min ago:
                  we have fiber in half of SF via Sonic - where there are
                  overhead wires. The other half of SF has its utilities
                  underground making economics more difficult.
                  philip1209 wrote 17 hours 4 min ago:
                  Not where I am
            philip1209 wrote 21 hours 2 min ago:
            Perhaps some day.
            My shorter-term goal is to switch my home internet to Starlink, so
            that all requests bounce off a satellite before landing at my desk.
              nofunsir wrote 20 hours 48 min ago:
              Except Starlink uses CGNAT, which means you need some external
              SSHD port forwarding at least.
                nemothekid wrote 20 hours 37 min ago:
                He could keep using Cloudflare Tunnel, but then he's still
                using Cloudflare
          asdfman123 wrote 21 hours 9 min ago:
          What is HackerNews but a system to stress test everyone's hobby
            mey wrote 12 hours 29 min ago:
            Before this Digg, before that Slashdot.
            What else am I missing?
              entropie wrote 17 min ago:
              besus wrote 2 hours 48 min ago:
              stevekemp wrote 8 hours 21 min ago:
              Kuro5hin was pretty big, back in the day.  But /. was the biggie,
              along with need to know.  We get the term slashdotted from there,
              after all.
                f4stjack wrote 4 hours 21 min ago:
                Holy… I still miss kuro5hin. Wonder what is rusty doing
                  durkie wrote 3 hours 40 min ago:
   URI            [1]: https://www.todayintabs.com
                    f4stjack wrote 1 hour 47 min ago:
                    thank you!
              DeathArrow wrote 8 hours 42 min ago:
              >Before this Digg, before that Slashdot.
              >What else am I missing?
              You are missing Reddit.
                vram22 wrote 8 hours 18 min ago:
              pjmlp wrote 9 hours 11 min ago:
              Before we were all on USENET, some lucky ones were on Compuserve
              and AOL, and BBSs were limited by phone lines, not really
              anything to test loads.
            ash-ali wrote 14 hours 10 min ago:
            I absolutely love this comment <3
            atum47 wrote 17 hours 37 min ago:
            Every time I share a project I provide two links, one for my vps
            and another one for GitHub pages. Usually my projects run on the
            client, so I have never experienced the hug of death myself.
          jonwinstanley wrote 21 hours 14 min ago:
          Weirdly, that tower in the photo is also on the front page of HN
          right now
   URI    [1]: https://vincentwoo.com/3d/sutro_tower/
            philip1209 wrote 21 hours 9 min ago:
            Ah - I took that photo on the way to Mount Olympus Park, which is
            one of my favorite little parks in SF. It has an interesting
   URI      [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Olympus_(San_Francisco...
              jonwinstanley wrote 17 hours 43 min ago:
          TomK32 wrote 21 hours 24 min ago:
          It's fun to host at home, I run docker on alpine VMs on two proxmox
          machines. Yeah, different docker machines for each user or use-case
          look complicated but it works fine and I can mount nfs or samba
          mounts as needed. Only thing I have on the cloud is a small hetzner
          server which I mostly use as a nginx proxy and iptables is great for
          that minecraft VM.
          Why did you go for Cloudfare tunnel instead of wireguard?
            nemothekid wrote 20 hours 36 min ago:
            Cloudflare Tunnel provides you a publicly routable address for
            free. With wireguard you would still need a VM somewhere, and if
            you are hosting your own VM, then whats the point?
              TomK32 wrote 8 hours 46 min ago:
              It's a small cost of $4.50/month and allows me a lot more
              control. In regards to wireguard, that one VM I pay for is the
              central wireguard node for all sorts of devices that I use,
              allowing me to securely access home services when I'm not at
              home. There are services you don't want to expose directly via a
              Cloudfare Tunnel.
              boogieup wrote 13 hours 49 min ago:
              Not making Cloudflare more of a central point of failure for the
              internet? We hosted web pages before they MITM'd the entire web.
                miyuru wrote 9 min ago:
                Public IPv4 address exhausted and NAT happened.
                Even having IPv6 is not a proper solution because of laggy
                ISPs(currently reaching ~50%) and the even the ISPs who deploy,
                do not deploy it properly. (dynamic prefixes or inbound blocked
                Add to the mix that lot of people does not understand IPv6,
                internet became more centralized and will keep doing so for the
                foreseeable future.
                giantrobot wrote 10 hours 40 min ago:
                > We hosted web pages before they MITM'd the entire web.
                We also hosted web pages before the average script kiddie could
                run tens of Gbps DDoS on sites for the lolz. And before ISPs
                used CGNAT making direct inbound connections impossible.
                october8140 wrote 13 hours 22 min ago:
                I like how they have amazing great free services and people are
                upset so many people use it.
                  adamrezich wrote 6 hours 23 min ago:
                  That's what we all said about various Google products many
                  years ago, too.
              dingi wrote 20 hours 17 min ago:
              But you are using someone else’s VM. You just don’t pay for
          trinix912 wrote 21 hours 36 min ago:
          I like that you're pointing out application longevity in the linked
          article. It seems that new SaaS apps appear and disappear daily as
          cloud hosting isn't cheap (especially for indie hackers). I'd much
          rather sign up for an app that I knew wouldn't randomly disappear in
          a couple of months when the cloud bills surpass the profits.
            cultofmetatron wrote 20 hours 42 min ago:
            I took a startup from zero to 100k MRR as of last month over the
            last 5 years. I can tell you that cloud billing is the least of
            your concerns if you pay even the cursory attention to writing good
            queries and adding indexes in the right places. The real issue is
            the number of developers who never bother to learn how to structure
            data in a database for their use case. properly done, you can
            easily support thousands of paying users on a single write server.
              nlitened wrote 8 hours 19 min ago:
              > I can tell you that cloud billing is the least of your concerns
              if you pay even the cursory attention to writing good queries and
              adding indexes in the right places.
              I read this as "in building your startup, you should be paranoid
              about team members never making mistakes". I really try to read
              otherwise, but can't.
              DeathArrow wrote 8 hours 35 min ago:
              I use CQRS with /dev/null for writes and /dev/random for reads.
              It's web scale, it's cheap and it's fast.
              goosejuice wrote 11 hours 3 min ago:
              A bit hand wavy. It obviously depends on the business and what
              "least of concerns" entails.
              In most cases businesses justify the cost of managed databases
              for less risk of downtime. A HA postgres server on crunchy can
              cost over $500/mo for a measly 4vCPU.
              I would agree that it's the least of concerns but for a different
              reason. Spending all your time optimizing for optimal performance
              (assuming sensible indexing for what you have) by continuously
              redesigning your DB structure when you don't even know what your
              company will be doing next year isn't worth the time for a few
              hundred a month you might save.
              giantrobot wrote 11 hours 5 min ago:
              What? No no, to be fast you need the whole database only in RAM!
              And SQL is hard so just make it a giant KV store. Schemas are
              also hard so all values are just amorphous JSON blobs. Might as
              well store images in the database too. Since it's RAM it'll be so
          bluGill wrote 21 hours 38 min ago:
          back in my day kid we used to serve far more users from 40mhz CPUs. 
          The only interesting part is that today you can get pipes fast enough
          to do this in your house, while back then dialup was all we could
          afford ($1000/month to get into the 1 megabit/second range, ISDN and
          DSL came soon after and were nice).
          Of course back then we didn't use dynamic anything, a static web page
          Now get off my lawn!
            helpfulContrib wrote 4 hours 24 min ago:
            I used to host 3,000 active daily users from a 33mhz 486 with a 56k
            Thousands and thousands of lines of quality conversation,
            interaction, humanity.
            To be honest, I kind of miss those days.
            I love to think that the web of the future is just going to be
            everyones' mac Mini or whatever.
            Big Data™ has always irked me, frankly.
              larodi wrote 48 min ago:
              Everyone moved too fast into the future, and this is perhaps not
              that good. The whole ASCII and 90s/cyberpunk nostalgia is being a
              major cue.
              rbanffy wrote 1 hour 47 min ago:
              We need something that’s small, cheap, plugs into a power
              outlet (or a PoE port), and lets anyone serve their personal
              little node of their distributed social network.
              I started thinking about that around an implementation that could
              run under Google’s App Engine free tier, but never completed
            vidarh wrote 20 hours 35 min ago:
            My first company website was served of a 120MHz Pentium that also
            served as the login server where 5 of us ran our X clients (with
            the X servers on 486's with 16MB RAM)...
            And it wasn't static: We because peoples connections were mostly so
            slow, we used a CGI that shelled out to ping to estimate connection
            speed, and return either a static image (if you were on a dialup)
            or a fancy animated gif if you were on anything faster.
            (the ping-test was obviously not reliable - if you were visiting
            from somewhere with high latency, you'd get the low bandwidth
            version too, no matter how high your throughput was - but that was
            rare enough; it worked surprisingly well)
          _vaporwave_ wrote 21 hours 42 min ago:
          Very cool! Do you have a contingency in place for things like power
            philip1209 wrote 21 hours 7 min ago:
            Not really . . . Cloudflare Always Online, mostly.
            I had 2m35s of downtime due to power outages this week.
              firecall wrote 1 hour 37 min ago:
              A MacBook Air solves this problem very nicely!
              Not only does is have a built in UPS, but also comes with a
              screen, keyboard and trackpad for you need to do admin tasks
              physically att the console!
          tempest_ wrote 21 hours 43 min ago:
          Presumably CF is doing most of the work if the page doesnt actually
          change all that much?
            boogieup wrote 13 hours 49 min ago:
            Nobody's actually doing work because serving web pages is cheap.
              fmbb wrote 3 hours 54 min ago:
              Is it really cheap through ruby?
            philip1209 wrote 21 hours 8 min ago:
            Yeah, but there's Plausible Analytics self-hosted on the mac mini
            that's getting more of the load right now.
          rapind wrote 21 hours 43 min ago:
          Pretty cool. Wouldn't work for me as my ISP is horrendously
          unreliable (Rogers in Canada, I swear they bounce their network
          nightly), but I might consider colocating a mac mini at a datacenter.
          k4runa wrote 21 hours 54 min ago:
        tantalor wrote 22 hours 1 min ago:
        > Next.js now serves as the most common tool for building a startup.
        This is completely unfounded.
          neric wrote 21 hours 42 min ago:
          The number of crypto exchanges and news paper I've seen that run on
            taormina wrote 10 hours 47 min ago:
            Because cyrpto exchanges and newspapers make up the majority of
            startups? Most scams don't advertise themselves as startups and
            most newspapers are just dying and going out of business, not
            rebranding as startups.
          philip1209 wrote 22 hours 0 min ago:
          If you normalize for for market cap, I think it's a reasonable
          assumption. But,  yeah - maybe it's a bit inflated.
        graypegg wrote 22 hours 43 min ago:
        I really like web apps that are just CRUD forms. It obviously doesn't
        work for everything, but the "list of X -> form -> updated list of X"
        user experience works really well for a lot of problem domains,
        especially ones that interact with the real world. It lets you name
        your concepts, and gives everything a really sensible place to change
        it. "Do I have an appointment, let me check the list of appointments".
        Contrast that, to more "app-y" patterns, that might have some unifying
        calendar, or mix things into a dashboard. Those patterns are also
        useful!! And of course, all buildable in rails as well. But there is
        something nice about the simplicity of CRUD apps when I end up coming
        across one.
        So even though you can build in any style with whatever technology you
        Rails feels like it _prefers_ you build "1 model = 1 concept = 1 REST
        Next.js (+ many other FE libraries in this react-meta-library group)
        feels like it _prefers_ you build "1 task/view = mixed concepts to
        accomplish a task = 1 specific screen"
          globular-toast wrote 6 hours 51 min ago:
          > I really like web apps that are just CRUD forms.
          I really like easy problems too. Unfortunately, creating database
          records is hardly a business. With a pure CRUD system you're only one
          step away from Excel really. The business will be done somewhere else
          and won't be software driven at all but rather in people's heads and
          if you're lucky written in "SOP" type documents.
            nlitened wrote 4 hours 3 min ago:
            I actually believe that most of useful real-world software is
            “one step away from Excel”, and that’s fine
          adsteel_ wrote 21 hours 31 min ago:
          Rails is set up for that, but it doesn't force you to build like
          that. You're free to build in other patterns that you design
          yourself. It's nice to have simple defaults with the freedom to opt
          into more complexity only if and when you need it.
          zdragnar wrote 21 hours 59 min ago:
          The problem with 1 model = 1 rest entity (in my experience) is that
          designers and users of the applications I have been building for
          years never want just one model on the screen.
          Inevitably, once one update is done, they'll say "oh and we just need
          to add this one thing here" and that cycle repeats constantly.
          If you have a single page front end setup, and a "RESTful" backend,
          you end up making a dozen or more API calls just to show everything,
          even if it STARTED out as narrowly focused on one thing.
          I've fought the urge to use graphql for years, but I'm starting to
          think that it might be worth it just to force a separation between
          the "view" of the API and the entities that back it. The tight
          coupling between a single controller, model and view ends up pushing
          the natural complexity to the wrong layer (the frontend) instead of
          hiding the complexity where it belongs (behind the API).
            loodish wrote 4 hours 30 min ago:
            Graphql is nice but there are all sorts of weird attacks and edge
            cases because you don't actually control the queries that a client
            can send. This allows a malicious client to craft really time
            expensive queries.
            So you end up having to put depth and quantity limits, or
            calculating the cost of every incoming query before allowing it.
            Another approach I'm aware of is whitelisting but that seems to
            defeat the entire point.
            I use rest for new projects, I wouldn't say never to graphql, but
            it brings a lot of initial complexity.
              foobazgt wrote 35 min ago:
              I don't understand why you consider this to be a burden. The
              gateway will calculate the depth / quantities of any query for
              you, so you're just setting a config option. When you create a
              REST API, you're making similar kinds of decisions, except you're
              baking them bespokely into each API.
              Query whitelisting makes sense when you're building an API for
              your own clients (whom you tightly control). This is the original
              and most common usecase for graphql, though my personal
              experience is with using it to provide 3rd party APIs.
              It's true that you can't expect to do everything identically to
              how you would have done it with REST (authz will also be
              different), but that's kind of the point.
              motogpjimbo wrote 3 hours 6 min ago:
              A malicious user who had the knowledge and ability to craft
              expensive GraphQL queries could just as easily use that knowledge
              to tie your REST API in knots by flooding it with fake requests.
              Some kind of per-user quota system is going to be required either
            procaryote wrote 7 hours 34 min ago:
            You can separate the view and the backend storage without going
            graphql. You can build your API around things that make sense on a
            higher level, like "get latest N posts in my timeline" and let the
            API endpoint figure out how to serve that
            It's seemingly more work than graphql as you need to actually
            intentionally build your API, but it gets you fewer, more
            thought-out usage patterns on the backend that are easier to scale.
            stickfigure wrote 14 hours 14 min ago:
            > you end up making a dozen or more API calls just to show
            This is fine!
            > I've fought the urge to use graphql for years
            Keep fighting the urge. Or give into it and learn the hard way?
            Either way you'll end up in the same place.
            The UI can make multiple calls to the backend. It's fine.
            Or you can make the REST calls return some relations. Also fine.
            What you can't do is let the client make arbitrary queries into
            your database. Because somebody will eventually come along and
            abuse those APIs. And then you're stuck whitelisting very specific
            queries... which look exactly like REST.
              gedy wrote 12 hours 12 min ago:
              GraphQL is not arbitrary queries into your database!  Folks need
              to really quit misunderstanding that.
              You can define any schema and relations you want, it's not an
                what wrote 10 hours 42 min ago:
                It is arbitrary queries though? I can send any query that
                matches your schema and your graphql engine is probably going
                to produce some gnarly stuff to satisfy those queries.
                  whstl wrote 3 hours 45 min ago:
                  You need to program every query resolver yourself, it's not
                  tied to some ORM.
                  There are of course products that do this automatically, but
                  it's not really that simple. There's a reason things like
                  Hasura are individual products.
                  gedy wrote 4 hours 14 min ago:
                  No when I say "schema" I mean the GraphQL structure, not your
                  DB schema.
                  The GraphQL structure can be totally independent from your DB
                  if need be, and (GraphQL) queries on those types via API can
                  resolve however you need and are defined by you.  It's not a
                  SQL generator.
                    stickfigure wrote 2 hours 25 min ago:
                    The problem is not that you'll expose some part of the
                    database you shouldn't (which is a concern but it's
                    solvable). The problem is that you expose the ability for a
                    hostile client to easily suck down vast swaths of the part
                    of the database you do expose.
                      foobazgt wrote 31 min ago:
                      How is this different from REST?
                        gedy wrote 17 min ago:
                        I think the OP is possibly confusing GraphQL with an
                        ORM like Active Record.  You are correct that you don't
                        accidentally "expose" any more data than you do with
                        REST or some other APIs.  It's just a routing and
                        payload convention.  GraphQL schema and types don't
                        have to be 1:1 with your DB or ActiveRecord objects at
                        (I'm not aware of any, but if there are actually gems
                        or libraries that do expose your DB to GraphQL this
                        way, that's not really a GraphQL issue)
                stickfigure wrote 10 hours 49 min ago:
                In the spectrum of "remote procedure call" on one end and
                "insert sql here" on the other end, GraphQL is waaaaay closer
                to SQL than RPC.
                  ako wrote 5 hours 4 min ago:
                  No it’s not, graphql is an rpc that returns a tree of
                  objects where you can indicate what part of the tree is
                  relevant to you.
                    stickfigure wrote 2 hours 28 min ago:
                    ...and that's exactly the problem! Without a lot of
                    hardening, I (a hostile client) can suck down any part of
                    the database you make available. With just a few calls.
                    GraphQL is too powerful and too flexible to offer to an
                    untrusted party.
                      gedy wrote 1 hour 45 min ago:
                      This is a silly argument and sounds like a hot take from
                      someone who's never used this.    You could say the same
                      about REST or whatever.  It has nothing to do with "the
                    whstl wrote 4 hours 6 min ago:
                    Yep. It is not trivial to make it into a pseudo-SQL
                    language, like Hasura did.
                    Funny enough, see this assumption frustrating a lot of
                    people who try to implement GraphQL APIs like this.
                    And even if you do turn it into a pseudo-SQL, there's still
                    plenty of control. Libraries allow you to restrict depth,
                    restrict number of backend queries, have a cost function,
            cultofmetatron wrote 20 hours 26 min ago:
            You should checkout phoenix liveview. you can maintain a stateful
            process on the server that pushes state changes to the frontend.
            its a gamechanger if you're building a webapp.
   URI      [1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOk67eT3fpg&ab_channel=The...
            mr-ron wrote 21 hours 4 min ago:
            Isn’t this there bff stacks show their worth? As in those nextjs
            apps that sit between react and rails?
              zdragnar wrote 20 hours 29 min ago:
              Not really, then you're just shifting the complexity from the
              front-end back to a middle man. Now it still exists, and you
              still have all the network traffic slowing things down, but it
              lives in its own little service that your rails devs aren't going
              to bother thinking about or looking at optimizing.
              Much better to just do that in rails in the first place.
            aantix wrote 21 hours 20 min ago:
            The Rails support for multi-model, nested form updates is superb.
            Separate entities on the backend - a unified update view if
            that’s what’s desired.
            No need for any outside dependencies.
            graypegg wrote 21 hours 30 min ago:
            I have actually had a different experience. I feel like I've run
            into "we can't just see/edit the thing" more often than "we want
            another thing here" with users. Naming a report is the kiss of
            death. "Business Report" ends up having half the data you need,
            rather than just a filterable list of "transactions" for example.
            However, I'm biased. A lot of my jobs have been writing
            "backoffice" apps, so there's usually models with a really clear
            identity associated to them, and usually connected to a real piece
            of paper like a shipment form (logistics), a financial aid
            application (edtech), or a kitchen ticket (restaurant POS).
            Those sorts of applications I find break down with too many "Your
            school at a glance" sort of pages. Users just want "all the
            applications so I can filter to just the ones who aren't submitted
            yet and pester those students".
            And like many sibling comments mention, Rails has some good answers
            for combining rest entities onto the same view in a way that still
            makes them distinct.
            dmix wrote 21 hours 36 min ago:
            Turbo frames solves a lot of this. [1] Multiple models managed on a
            single page, each with their own controllers and isolated views.
   URI      [1]: https://turbo.hotwired.dev/
              pdimitar wrote 7 hours 51 min ago:
              Or you can do it right and use Elixir's LiveView, from which
              everyone is getting inspired these days.
                xutopia wrote 2 hours 6 min ago:
                LiveView is the brainchild of Chris McCord. He did the
                prototype on Rails before getting enamoured by Elixir and
                building Phoenix to popularize the paradigm.
                LiveView is amazing and so is Phoenix but Rails has better
                support for building mobile apps using Hotwire Native.
            andrei_says_ wrote 21 hours 42 min ago:
            This is a very common pattern and one that’s been solved in Rails
            by building specialized controllers applying the CRUD interface to
            multiple models.
            Like the Read for a dashboard could have a controller for each
            dashboard component to load its data or it could have one
            controller for the full dashboard querying multiple models - still
            The tight coupling is one of many approaches and common enough to
            be made default.
            LargeWu wrote 21 hours 45 min ago:
            Why the assumption that an API endpoint should be a 1:1 mapping to
            a database table? There is no reason we need to force that
            constraint. It's perfectly legitimate to consider your resource to
            encompass the business logic for that use case. For example,
            updating a user profile can involve a single API call that updates
            multiple data objects - Profile, Address, Email, Phone. The UI
            should be concerned with "Update Profile" and let the API
            controller orchestrate all the underlying data relationships and
              rtpg wrote 10 hours 2 min ago:
              If you lean into more 1:1 mappings (not that a model can't hold
              FKs to submodels), then everything gets stupid easy. Not that
              what you're saying is hard... just if you lean into 1:1 it's
              _very easy_. At least for Django that's the vibe.
              jaredklewis wrote 21 hours 0 min ago:
              You seem to be in agreement with the parent, who argues 1 model
              (aka database row) = 1 rest entity (aka /widgets/123) is a bad
              Different widget related front-end views will need different
              fields and relations (like widget prices, widget categories, user
              widget history and so on).
              There are lots of different solutions:
              - Over fetching. /widgets/123 returns not only all the fields for
              a widget, but more or less every possible relation. So a single
              API call can support any view, but with the downside that the
              payload contains far more data than is used by any given view.
              This not only increases bandwidth but usually also load on the
              - Lots of API calls. API endpoints are tightly scoped and the
              front-end picks whichever endpoints are needed for a given view.
              One view calls /widgets/123 , /widgets/123/prices and
              /widgets/123/full-description. Another calls /widgets/123 and
              /widgets/123/categories. And so on. Every view only gets the data
              it needs, so no over fetching, but now we're making far more HTTP
              requests and more database queries.
              - Tack a little "query language" onto your RESTful endpoints. Now
              endpoints can do something like:
              /widgets/123?include=categories,prices,full-description .
              Everyone gets what they want, but a lot of complexity is added to
              support this on the backend. Trying to automate this on the
              backend by having code that parses the parameters and
              automatically generates queries with the needed fields and joins
              is a minefield of security and performance issues.
              - Ditch REST and go with something like GraphQL. This more or
              less has the same tradeoffs as the option above on the backend,
              with some additional tradeoffs from switching out the REST
              paradigm for the GraphQL one.
              - Ditch REST and go RPC. Now, endpoints don't correspond to
              "Resources" (the R in rest), they are just functions that take
              arguments. So you do stuff like
              `/fetch?model=widget&id=123&include=categories,prices` or
              whatever. Ultimate flexibility, but you lose the well understood
              conventions and organization of a RESTful API.
              After many years of doing this lots of time, I pretty much
              dislike all the options.
                procaryote wrote 7 hours 45 min ago:
                Lots of API calls scales pretty well, as long as those APIs
                aren't all hitting the same database. You can do them in
                parallel. If you really need to you can build a view specific
                service on the backend to do them in parallel but with shorter
                round-trips and perhaps shared caches, and then deliver a more
                curated response to the frontend.
                If you just have one single monolithic database, anything
                clever you do on the other levels just lets you survive until
                the single monolithic database becomes the bottle-neck, where
                unexpected load in one endpoint breaks several others.
                jbverschoor wrote 14 hours 44 min ago:
                Webapps are going back to multiple requests because of http2 /
                quic multiplexing.
                cetu86 wrote 19 hours 45 min ago:
                So what do you do instead?
                  jaredklewis wrote 18 hours 23 min ago:
                  I do one or some combination of the options above. I've also
                  tried some more exotic variations of things on the list like
                  Hasura or following jsonapi.org style specs. I haven't found
                  "the one true way" to structure APIs.
                  When a project is new and small, whatever approach I take
                  feels amazing and destined to work well forever. On big
                  legacy projects or whenever a new project gets big and
                  popular, whatever approach I took starts to feel like a
                  horrible mess.
              0x457 wrote 21 hours 8 min ago:
              No, it's an API Entity can be composed of sub-entities which may
              or may not exposed directly via API.
              That's what [1] is for.
              However, Rails scaffolding is heavily geared towards that 1:1
              mapping - you can make all CRUD endpoints, model and migration
              with a single command.
   URI        [1]: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html
              wahnfrieden wrote 21 hours 18 min ago:
              Rails began that trend by auto-generating "REST" routes for 1:1
              table mapping to API resource. By making that so easy, they
              tricked people into idealizing it
              Rails' initial rise in popularity coincided with the rise of REST
              so these patterns spread widely and outlasted Rails' mindshare
          philip1209 wrote 22 hours 30 min ago:
          Yeah, I agree.
          Too many degrees of freedom can degrade an experience, if not used
   DIR <- back to front page