_______ __ _______ | | |.---.-..----.| |--..-----..----. | | |.-----..--.--.--..-----. | || _ || __|| < | -__|| _| | || -__|| | | ||__ --| |___|___||___._||____||__|__||_____||__| |__|____||_____||________||_____| on Gopher (inofficial) URI Visit Hacker News on the Web COMMENT PAGE FOR: URI Show HN: Slime OS â An open-source app launcher for RP2040 based devices tym0 wrote 5 hours 5 min ago: Reminds me of Mirage OS for TI Calculators. I watched the build video and I was completely sucked in, fun project and great presentation. mouse_ wrote 22 hours 8 min ago: Love it!!! rambambram wrote 23 hours 42 min ago: I watched your video earlier today and I want to thank your for the inspiring project and the funny presentation! westurner wrote 1 day ago: Multiple buffering; [1] Wikipedia has "page flipping" but not "physical double-buffer"? TIL about triple buffering, and quad buffering for stereoscopic applications. URI [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_buffering wayvey wrote 1 day ago: I just watched the authors video on the cyberdeck they made. Impressive project! URI [1]: https://youtu.be/rnwPmoWMGqk?si=pD3z4mPFuYq61ROq DIR <- back to front page